It’s hard to rank thanksgiving because it pretty much depends on how racist your uncle’s are. Take away the uncles and the holiday is pretty much just " eat a big meal yum yum 😋" which makes it the best
This is most holidays in most cultures, hence I found it weird when a bunch of posters on here around Thanksgiving time was like “DISGUSTING kkkrackkers can only celebrate by GORGING themselves on food like little piggies”.
Yeah dude, no POC cultures have feasting days, non-white people fucking hate eating food.
It’s hard to rank thanksgiving because it pretty much depends on how racist your uncle’s are. Take away the uncles and the holiday is pretty much just " eat a big meal yum yum 😋" which makes it the best
This is most holidays in most cultures, hence I found it weird when a bunch of posters on here around Thanksgiving time was like “DISGUSTING kkkrackkers can only celebrate by GORGING themselves on food like little piggies”.
Yeah dude, no POC cultures have feasting days, non-white people fucking hate eating food.