gaycomputeruser [she/her]

  • 5 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: October 7th, 2021


  • What are people on about with how “dangerous” the world is. I talked to this clearly well off person from nyc the other day and they were convinced that myc was incredibly dangerous. Maybe I’m wrong, but isn’t crime at a historic low in nyc? How are people this actually dellusional. The amount of the suburban moms that post stuff about child trafficing that have 0 evidence or factual basis for what they claim are signs of trafficing are incredible. It seems that 3/4 times someone mentions sex trafficing they have 0 idea how it actually works, even though there are well known facts about what trafficing is and how it usually works.

    Edit: I went and looked at her tiktok and wow uh. What world does she live in? Some of the most conspiracy brained, suburbanite castle-house, assuming people are targetting you shit i’ve ever seen. Why live like this? This is such an unanalyzed position - how does she rectify the fact that the vast majority of people have never had to deal with anything like this, and grow up just fine? She doesn’t, instead you reject opinions outside your own and decide that the world just works like this. If we are charitable, then we can consider that she probably considers her kids as high value targets (white) and that that’s why she’s extra careful.

  • Honestly? SSRIs and stimulants. You sound like where I was a few years ago, I ended up in the hospital. Hormones also helped me, but that’s more specific. The only non perscrition thing I can recommend is taking a real legitamte break - pulling a Bilbo as you put it. If you do that you do need to make good use of your time and get something out of the experience more than just a break.

    The unfortunate truth is thag even if you aren’t excited about taking meds and would rather treat the cause of the problem (capitalism), tricking your brain into functioning properly is often a prerequesire to making a change in your community and environment. It’s really hard to fix the world when you can’t even get up.