According to a press release issued Friday by the Heiltsuk Nation, the protest follows a meeting between Heiltsuk and RCMP leadership on Wednesday, during which the Heiltsuk learned RCMP have initiated a transfer for the officer in question. However, in the meantime, they have been told the officer will remain on active duty in Bella Bella for up to 90 days, during which time he is supposed to be accompanied by another officer when responding to calls.
The Heiltsuk Nation said the officer posted a series of racist and intolerant selfies and captions that were discovered by Heiltsuk community members.
One screenshot shows the officer posing in front of the Union Jack in colonial regalia with the comment, “Now, whats [sic] to be done about these pesky natives stirring up trouble in the colonies…?”
Racists rarely ever change, and frequently find ways to reinforce and justify their racism. Being a cop has likely exposed him to all the justification he needs to remain racist and likely even double down on his racism.
His career ought to be closely examined to see if this has indeed happened.