• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Get back to me when an Android phone that was released with Android 15 gets an OTA update from the manufacturer to Android 22.

    My experience with the Nokia 7.2 (and a few others) leads me to strongly suspect that these “promises” are nothing more than pinkie swears from everyone short of Google itself.

  • Our civilization demands that I be profitable to a parasite who leeches a majority of my labour’s value in order to accumulate obscene levels of wealth.

    Without exorbitant amounts of time spent maintaining that profitability, I will end up poor, homeless, and eventually dead from exposure. This leaves vanishingly little time to spend on open source work, regardless of how intellectually and ethically attractive it may be.

  • Then you must have the weirdest waist ever, for a man.

    I am able to go out into any store with my current waist size, and get a good-fitting pair virtually every time without even trying it on. Now, I may not like certain styles - I prefer my belt to be at my bellybutton, not halfway down my hips such that any erection can only ever point down - but men’s sizes are remarkably consistent.

  • The homeless “problem” is a direct outgrowth of the housing crisis.

    The housing crisis is a direct outgrowth of housing “investors” jacking up prices and rents for 25+ consecutive years without a clear market crash.

    The housing crisis can only be resolved with a return to affordability.

    A return to affordability would see a housing crash of about 68% Canada-wide, with some markets (Vancouver, Kelowna, etc.) seeing valuation drops of 85% or more.

    Remember: the one-third rule states that median housing payments (rent or mortgage) should not be more than one-third of median monthly income, but it also states that median home values should not be more than 3× median annual income.

    The second half of that rule indicates that current home values in Kelowna alone - where median home values are just shy of $1M but median incomes as of the 2021 Statistics Canada poll are $35K - means that housing here is 28× that of annual income, or 9× more expensive than it should be.

    So for a city like Kelowna to return to a sane and healthy housing market, values would have to crash by a MINIMUM of 89%.

    This is what parasitical “investors” - mostly Greatest Generation and Boomers, but as of late no small number of GenX’ers - have done to the housing market.

    This is why we are seeing a homeless crisis.

  • The litmus test of determining if there is bigotry involved is to change the terms in contention. If it is bigoted in one direction, it is fundamentally bigoted in both.

    You hit the nail on the head when you posited “if this was a guy doing it to his girlfriend” it would be toxic, manipulative, and abusive.

    Let’s make misandry as unacceptable as misogyny. Because true equality will be impossible until we do.