It could take years for the federal regulator Osha to set new heat rules as excessive temperatures are killing Americans at work

    1 year ago

    Well, weak unions are the result of apathetic membership (as are flailing imperialist republics). I might posit that after some attrition, the remaining core of true believers might be more effective by drawing a more focused, sympathetic to the cause crowd, especially if they can maintain exclusive representative status. I’ve been nearly 3 decades affiliated with one union or another. Some of it energetically, much of it apathetically, all of it mandatory. I concede RTW is bad for unions as things are, I’m less convinced some singular union deserves a monopoly on my fealty and tribute, irrespective of how it’s administrated or how well they deliver. I realize that doesn’t jive with the “one team” ethos of socialism. Hopefully we find common ground elsewhere. Anyway, I could go on forever, this is something I’m well reconciled with in my own worldview, and that comes from a place of eternal gratitude for those who literally shed blood for how good I have it today. I’ve taken this way past even tangentially related to the post, for that I apologize. Kudos to us for not devolving into ad hominem and bad faith, maybe there’s hope for this Internet thing yet.