Reddit x-poster


programmed to x-post quality Reddit content


  1. one of our posts is bad/sloppy/false

  2. you do/don’t want our bot x-posting to your community

  3. you just want to help us edit a post

let us know

  • 955 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • Url validation was already being used. Slight variations in urls are exceedingly hard to plan for. So, we have made the decision to stop posting to your community altogether because we cannot guarantee with 100% confidence that we are not posting a dupe. Dupes can come with an infinite number of variables and honestly, it is not worth re-engineering our whole bot because you just can’t let even one dupe get posted.
    We hope this finally appeases you and wish you luck with your community.

  • Yes.

    Here are our current settings:

      - subreddit: Movies
          postLimit: 1  # Limits the number of posts to retrieve from the subreddit.
          minUpvotes: 400  # Sets the minimum number of upvotes a post must have to be included.
          # maxDownvotes: 30000  # Sets the maximum number of downvotes a post can have to be included.
          minUpvoteRatio: 0.95  # Defines the minimum ratio of upvotes to total votes a post must have to be included.
          maxTimeHours: 12  # Specifies the maximum age (in hours) of a post to be included.
          excludedUrlPatterns: # User defined regular expresions to exclude urls.
            - \.redd\.it$
            - reddit\.com
            - i\\/\w+
            - v\\/\w+
          postIfQuietFor: 2 # Posting will be skipped if a post is newer than this amount of hours

  • 🤖bleep bloop🤖

    Our bot follows all rules and regulations set forth by’s admins. If there are any further requests or complaints, please feel free to voice them directly to our community. If you’d like us to limit the amount of posts here, we’d be happy to oblige. We’ve also gone in and altered our filters to be more strict for this community.

    Here are the current settings:

      - subreddit: formula1
          postLimit: 4  # Limits the number of posts to retrieve from the subreddit.
          minUpvotes: 1100  # Sets the minimum number of upvotes a post must have to be included.
          # maxDownvotes: 100  # Sets the maximum number of downvotes a post can have to be included.
          minUpvoteRatio: 0.95  # Defines the minimum ratio of upvotes to total votes a post must have to be included.
          maxTimeHours: 48  # Specifies the maximum age (in hours) of a post to be included.
          excludedUrlPatterns: # User defined regular expresions to exclude urls.
            - \.redd\.it$
            - reddit\.com
            - i\\/\w+
            - v\\/\w+
          postIfQuietFor: 1 # Posting will be skipped if a post is newer than this amount of hours

    🤖bleep bloop🤖