Post your shave of the day for Tuesday!

    1 year ago

    Tabac Tuesday

    • Prep: Hot Shower - Preshave
    • Brush: Zenith /r/Wetshaving MOAR Boar 🐗
    • Razor: GEM Micromatic Flying Wing, gold
    • Blade: GEM - PTFE (6)
    • Lather: Mäurer & Wirtz - Tabac Original Soap
    • Post Shave: Mäurer and Wirtz - Tabac AS Lotion

    Ahhh, with the wife out of town, enjoying a good time in London, I’m here slathering myself with Tabac and reveling in the Glorious Stank. It was great breaking into the king size bottle of the splash this morning, which was purchased right before the wife decided to tell me that she hates this scent. Oh well, such is life.

    Tabac + coffee= righteous Tuesday morning. Have a great day all