RIP, goodhearted woman.

America, if you’d vote for change, this wouldn’t be necessary. The US is the only developed country where this is commonplace.

  • SoylentBlake
    10 months ago

    While this is for sure life changing for those it helps, and magnanimous of this heroine, it is still chock full of shame that the motherfuckers who’ve twisted the system all up STILL get their win, no matter what.

    I hope BRICS absolutely destroys the dollar, and when that falls, and the military and police no longer are getting paid, everything else’ll fall too. Then the rich can be just as broke as everyone else, but they’ll have food, supplies, jewelry so the armed will be making it out to mansion manor with the quickness. Like the next day.

    And no, the police won’t work to restore order. Work for free? Have you met these people before? Look at the last 20 years, those motherfuckers will be LEADING the looting.

    Don’t think they’ll be any kind of ally tho, they’ll be burning thru ammo taking out any one who even looks at them, you included. They’re only about themselves, as evidenced, by everywhere.