• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023

  • He said a small town. Small town America gives it’s homeless one way bus tickets to the big city cuz only the city can afford them.

    This leaves rural America generally homeless free and then Republicans can pile on to Democrats ruining our cities, as evidenced by all the homeless. Smh. All while willfully ignoring that both property crime and violent crime happen at far higher rates out in county.

    Every small town in America, having traded in its character for a freeway offramp, feels, and looks, the exact same nowadays - over policed and traumatized communities originally, back in the good ol pre-2008 days, addicted to Adderall and Oxycontin, nostalgically peeling scabs with meth and fent-laced brown. No will to invest locally, no desire to improve things, just escape from the overbearingness, stuck surviving in the dissonance between repeatingly mouthing self-affirmations/placations and the anxiety of knowing you’ll live to witness civilizations end. Just in time for everyone to fall out of love with the discarded husk big tech left of the Internet.

    We are all war victims. Protracted slow economic warfare, intentional, we are all frogs and the waters already at a boil. But continue on being a pick-me for corporate greed (not you personally)

    With friends like these who needs enemies?

  • Judaism doesn’t require belief in God to enter heaven, just being a good moral person (so that rules out almost all of Isn’trael). No one’s been able to explain to me why the New Testament would’ve/could’ve changed that.

    Reciting scripture from the NKJ Bible to me and I’ll respond back in scripture from the Catholic Bible. Oh what? There’s two more books in the Catholic Bible? But what about St Thomas? He was literally right there next to hayzues…why wasn’t his gospel included? The council of Nicea you say …

    Almost seems like the curated collection we call Bible has had numerous politically motivated omissions and… Innumeral suspicious translations. Which is all quite silly, because we can still read the original works in Greek and Hebrew. We can directly translate them ourselves, if we want to be sure our compact with God is pure and holy.

    In the days when Rome fed believers to lions, Christians were the only ones to walk into plague stricken neighborhoods and tend to the sick. Everyone abandoned the infirm as matter of course, except the Christians, who grew exponentially because they were the only ones who cared about the poor. They also gave all their shit away like the aesthetics. Material possessions mean nothing in the halls of the Lord. Early Christians were the antithesis of capitalism and heirarchy. Every power structure to ever touch what Jesus taught has usurped and destroyed his instructions to heaven.

    If you’re a believer, you’d do best to stop believing power structures and read the works for yourself. Gambling eternity on the largest “trust me bro” in history is…idk. you’d deserve what you got then I guess. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

  • Mageina Tovah. Her as the librarian in the Magicians, holy fuck. I could never concentrate in those halls.

    She wears herself like she’s as comfortable in a ball gown as she is in a latex suit.

    Sometimes a persons grasp on being the main character stuns others into being NPCs. It’s not if she can keep up with you, it’s can you keep up with her.

    What I’m saying is she looks like the kind of good time that would ruin good times for you thereafter. Yes, please.

  • If the union fails there will be never be peace in North America ever again.

    We’re fighting to not die in war. All of us are. Those are, ultimately, the stakes. You will be drafted. Everyone born after 1980 is called up to fight and die for the country that won’t let them buy houses. In the time span of a year, everyone will have lost some member of their family, because some people can’t exist without forcing their fantasy version of reality onto other people who don’t share it. Everyone needs to just go back to minding their own fucking business

    I don’t even care anymore. The America I was raised to believe in never existed anyway, so either way, Ive already lost. I just want the rich to not live thru it.

  • Repealing Roe was step one in challenging the replacement theory. Get them trailer parks popping out babies.

    If Trump wins and Theocratic Nazi America implements 2025 then Gilead here we come. They’ve already stripped women of their autonomy when pregnant, it’s just a few steps until their diet will be monitored and controlled (all at the cost of the family, of course), media consumption only from a pre-approved list (dont want complications after all) which will effectively be 10 months of brainwashing.

    Give it a generation and we’ll be right back to landlords taking their tenants 15yr olds virginities.

    Think that’s farfetched? Currently on the table we have a convicted rapist, felon, russian asset for pres and his new VP, who’s obviously the guy who inspired Sublimes Date Rape. Looking down that timeline I wouldn’t be surprised if we were completely medieval in a post EMP 2028, pushing capstans to mill wheat into flour. One EMP would kill 4/5ths of the country in 90 days. 9/10s at 12 months. And even then, 33 million survivors? figuring out all the knowledge lost before they starve, id call that optimistic.

    So yea. Everything’s on the table.

  • SoylentBlaketoRandom Shit@hilariouschaos.comThe
    6 days ago

    I appreciate the post and the clarification, I devote very little long term memory to details of these events as it’s just not relevant to my life and records are available if needed.

    I see now I was confusing Uvalde with the San Antonio shooting, the one that propelled Beto to run against Abbott. I’m not a Texan, I just follow politics religiously.

    And taken by percentages BLM was primarily peaceful. There was violence, obviously. Like in Kenosha. Like with the police responding to criticism of being too violent by being too violent. In Seattle they tear gassed square miles of capitol hill nightly, all while gaslighting everyone every morning on trumped up accusations that medics couldn’t get thru (they could, no one has beef with the FD), and they wouldn’t do it again. You couldn’t hide in your apartment to escape it, thus making sure all babies and grandmother’s were punished for their crimes of existing. Collateral damage like that, callously and repeatedly, is terrorism.

    They played every tactic right outta the domestic violence handbook, and to put it simply, that disqualifies any legitimacy they have. Authority has to hold itself to a higher moral standard or else dystopia, which is evidence by our shared reality.

    If our power structures can’t hold themselves up to our virtues, then expecting anyone to foster virtue is a fools errand. In any system other than authoritan you can’t ask of others what you yourself won’t do. That’s the natural order, that’s what rings true with our internal sense of justice. I’m aware theres a wide chasm between justice and our jurisprudence, but again, higher standards.

    Ultimately, I see any and every action that disperses power out to the many, and out of the hands of a few as a net gain for society. We can’t wait 2000 years for another Cinnicinatus or Washington. There’s a reason they are venerated, and the current global right wing wave is polar opposite their example. Fascism rises because of income inequality, not multi-culturalism or cosmopolitanism. The youth of the old “in group” gets priced out and they say fuck that. I get it, it’s just the wrong answer. Hitler scapegoated the Jews bc the Catholic Church, when they respected the no usury rule, essentially railroaded the Jews into money lending cuz they had a need for services they couldn’t commit. But Jews had no law against usury. Usury is still illegal in Islam to this day.

    The problem is with the bankers, as it always fucking has been. Not just bankers, today it’s more broad but essentially those who move paper to make paper. Insurance, etc etc. obfuscation leads to greed, neoliberalism fetishized greed and now if your born after 1980 you’ll never own a house. I get it. The proper reaction, y’know, justice, isn’t to conserve the financial system and attack minorities. It’s to flip those two around.

  • SoylentBlaketoRandom Shit@hilariouschaos.comThe
    6 days ago

    So now that the shooters voter registration has been plastered everywhere and it’s well known he was a Republican

    Regardless, can you direct me to an example of left wing violence in the past 30 years?

    There’ve been many, many, far right shooters. Uvalde, Christchurch, Vegas immediately all come to mind.

    Idr about the DC Sniper, I assume he was R bc he was a cop, and damn near 99% of cops are R… but DC Sniper went rouge because he saw the forces underbelly, the wanton rampant police corruption. Which would make it = institutionalized right wing corruption.

    With the shite supreme court overstepping and creating laws on the bench (fucking activist judges) when that’s the expressed duty of Congress alone, gave us qualified immunity and civil asset forfeiture, which immediately led to the police being the largest organized crime ring in the country, if you dont count corporations wage theft and profiteering. More money and property has been looted from regular people every year since 2001 than all criminals scombined have stolen.

    Don’t believe a word I said, don’t believe what anyone says. Look it up for yourself. The violent side of the political spectrum is the right, exponentially. For every one act of left wing violence (which is always like, pipeline protests or tree hugging, the Earth Liberation Front disbanded in the 90s) there’s a 100 right wing ones.

    I was at the BLM protests in Seattle. I saw with my own eyes, there’s video and pictures of it online too, that the cops instigated the violence, not only attacking unprovoked, but swinging on a 5’2" white girl with a yellow umbrella. That’s right wing violence.

    Fact check me. If you find I’m being a little hyperbolic, does the point still stand? Just look at the facts man. The economy does better with a Dem as president. Look at the facts. I fucking despise Democrats but truth is truth. Denying truth is denying God creation, it’s motherfucking blasphemy my guy.

  • SoylentBlaketoPolitical Humor@lemmy.worldOh boy here we go
    7 days ago

    I’m with ya. This feels just like 2016-2020. Cartoon villainy. Poorly written, one dimensional, no character development, sophomoric at best. These eLiTeS think they’re so clever social engineering, writing the cultural narrative.

    This was a fucking photo op. A distraction from 2025.

    I’m curious what info will be released on the shooter, whether they’ll hold back info or retcon/chatgpt his history into some caricature of a Marxist. Part of me’s wishing it was Scott Adams who did it, just so I could let out the largest eye roll of my life. Jeb Bush would be a side-splitting plot-twist tho, one can only wish, amirite?

    Would the guy who tear gassed a congregation for a photo op (with the Bible upside down and backwards no less) attempt to false flag himself into an antihero? Ab-so-fucking-lutely he wouldm. America’s full of needy people already knocking on deaths door due to being unable to afford health care. One final act to set the wife and kids up for life? Lots of men would make that deal with the devil, they won’t be around for the aftermath anyway.

    The shooters past 3 months needs to be extensively reconstructed, everyone he spoke to online dossiered and vetted, every transaction audited, every minute accounted for.

    I guarantee there’s fuckery afoot. These are the most amoral assholes our countries ever seen. The means matters not one fuck, just the end.

    At least they aren’t that fucking smart about shit. Dumb evil is still evil tho.

  • C’mon, its been clear for…decades now, that Trump doesn’t consider anyone who can’t “loan” him half a billion dollars or someone he’s used the NSA to get completely compromised nominated to a bench, as a person. We are all subhuman to these guys.

    It starts with the threat, evolves into the purge, the political left get disappeared, “purifying” the government, then minorities take the next rap, first trans then gay, then different colored people and/or Jews. Hitler followed the same formula. So did Pinochet. So did Mussolini. Same with Franco. Even Stalin followed the formula (who undid half of what Lenin set up, creating communist flavored fascism, which is like institutionalized authoritarianism, bureaucratic brutality). Fascism is a social disease. It consists of two elements working together towards different agendas, but lying to each other the entire time. And they know it, which is why it’s built off fear and distrust. Take one part fanaticism of the disenfranchised economically dispossessed majority and one part fetishization of the antihero who’s going to right the wrongs. Prereq for the job is charisma stats high enough to deflect away suspicions that the antihero is owned by the wealthy class.

    If you aren’t part of the wealthy class, and willing to bend the knee, you aren’t even a person to Trump.

    These people want to pacify all dissent down to thought crime with as much excessive violence as they can get away with, to create a permanent underclass of slaves, but they get to choose which car they go in debt to get to work in, so theyre “free”. Would these social engineers false flag? Ab-so-fucking-lutely they would.

    He’ll redraw a metrological map with a sharpie in front of a scientist, all with a straight face and be stuck on a loop until the scientist just agrees in disbelief. In his mind, Trump writes reality, with the state behind him, they’ll just change the historical record. if you forgot, sometimes in less than a day, even when confronted with video evidence of his saying it. Post truth, fictional, fantasy world. To them the end is more important than the means, constitution be damned.

    Most importantly, just remember, no one’s coming to save us.