• 38 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • (Accidentally deletedy previous post, sorry) but you make very good points. I wasn’t saying I thought he was the best candidate, it was more that’s what I thought their reasoning was for still running.

    I overall also think someone else should run, that wasn’t my point. More that we should be focusing on how awful a candidate Trump is (and all his crimes, victims, his horrible plans for office) - and while these are all excellent points, that the Democrat candidate is almost insignificant in comparison. The Democrats establishment should be on the attack, on the defense. (Being super general). Make that the motivation to vote Democrat.

  • I agree with a lot of what you’re saying, but we should also be aware of how this is shouldn’t be the major discussion we are having. Whether Biden runs or not, it will be the same advisors, the same policies. We’re allowing the media to run with the “Biden is old is somehow more of a concern” talking point.

    There’s many more reasons for Trump to be called on to drop out, yet everyone is focusing so hard on Biden it’s overshadowing the story of Trump’s Epstein activity among other things.

    And while we are arguing about whether Biden should or shouldn’t, Trump and his supporters are getting away with all manner of evil shit. Even if the Democrats picked another candidate I’m sure the media would then focus on how Biden dropping out somehow meant the Democrats were bad etc. not saying it shouldn’t be discussed, just don’t let it be the only discussion.

  • Sorry, I think I did misread your comment, apologies.

    I do realize it’s growing in popularity, I am not suggesting anyone hide their head in the sand, though.

    I was trying to say that this narrative of “were doomed” and “theyre both bad choices” feeds into this problem. Its more false equivalency, and discourages voting. I realize you weren’t saying this, and that this IS what people are saying. But I still find it gobsmacking that people are seriously saying it’s hard to choose.

  • Employment is not a right? Well if we continue with a capitalist system and give most people no way to earn a living, we will need something to replace jobs for most people. We should not merely accept that it sucks and let things go to shit. We could pass laws limiting the use of AI or protecting workers, or providing basic income…

    Whatever we do we had better figure it out soon, though.