• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • I wish more political commentators would wrestle with this fact. I understand the need to remain calm and denounce violence, and we should certainly do that! But at the same time, the discussion needs to be had about what to do when all the other options are exhausted. And as you’ve already outlined, we’re running out of options. Basically everything hinges on the vote in November, and I’m under no illusion that Trump and the GQP and SCQTUS will steal it if it’s any closer than it was last time. Then what?

  • I feel it’s important to add here that the only thing these chuds understand is strength and power, and violence is the only thing that will counteract their influence. Maybe it doesn’t require physical violence right now and other forms of strength would frighten them off - counter protests seem to work well in Germany, not to mention full-on bans of their gatherings (they don’t have a similar 1A of course…).

    At some point however I fear that physical violence is the only solution with them. Unfortunately, fascism evolved to chink away at all the weak spots in the liberal democrat’s armor and use the things we love against us. They don’t care about truth, they don’t care about consistency, etc. They can’t be beat on the debate stage because they don’t care about words. All they care about is strength because they’re 99% insecure lemming cowards and we have to use it against them.