frankfurt_schoolgirl [she/her]

  • 6 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2022


  • In my current just, I was a boymoding summer intern last year and am now out and working full time. Besides HR being totally incompetent it’s gone really well and everyone has been very nice.

    There’s this one outspoken old guy with an office down the hall. He was described to me as “our one Trump supporter”, and apparently has gotten in trouble for talking politics at work before, which most people avoid. He’s also very friendly and talkative to everyone.

    Since I’ve been back there, he keeps coming up to me, introducing himself, and asking if we’ve met bey. He seems really confused about it lol. I told him I was an intern, but I think he forgot and he asked later if we’d met in the new employee orientation meeting (he was a presenter). I assume he knows I’m trans??? But he can’t figure out who I used to be lol.

  • Just kind of complaining here, but the one local trans support / meetup group here has been cancelled every time for the last month+. Apparently the org that runs it doesn’t have enough facilitators. Which, like, I get that people are busy but it’s two hours twice a month. And they’ve only been announcing the cancellation last minute on Facebook.

    Last week, I showed up without seeing the announcement. I wasn’t the only one either, there was a whole series of vaguely nervous looking queers who came up to try the locked door and the immediately slunk away. At this point Im not sure I need a support group that much. Like I have some irl trans friends and I’m fully out and all that. But some of them might have been really struggling and it’s super shitty to just cancel the group like that.

    I wish I was more confident, I would start my own group lol.

  • that’s good! the thing is that “cis female range” is sort of a endocrinologist fever dream. Cis women have incredibly variable estrogen levels based on their cycles and age. You’ll also have constantly changing hormone levels based on when you take your e. The goal is to find an estrogen level that gets you good results, not hit the magic wpath number.

    I’m on estrogen and progesterone without an AA now and my T is very low, which is because im on a fairly high E dose that suppresses the T. It’s been nice to drop Spiro because no more side effects.

  • This depends on where you live and whether or not it’s an actual gender clinic or it’s a stuff-christians-dont-liie clinic (planned parenthood). But they probably won’t know that much about hrt, and probably have never prescribed SERMs for that purpose. I would research what drugs are available in your area (ie it’s hard to get cypro in the US), what drugs you want, and what a reasonable dose is before you go. Yeah, it sucks that the doctor can’t tell you what you need, but such is trans medicine.

  • This is kind of brainwormed and kind of weird, but idk maybe writing about it will help me work through things. So in like 2018-2021 I was more involved in local organizing than any other time. I lived in a pretty rural place, and the only org we had was DSA, so I joined DSA. I can’t say that we were building the revolutionary vanguard or anything, but I do think that I did a lot of good work and met really amazing people. It was a really positive thing in my life for a while for both myself and others. I stopped all of that during COVID, mostly because my own life fell apart.

    Almost 4 years later I’m doing a lot better, living in a new city with a new degree and new sex hormones. But I’m not involved in the local political scene at all. I don’t think I would be useful if I joined an org. For one thing, most of the work we did involved in talking to people. I don’t want to go around as a non-passing trans woman talking to strangers all day. I’m probably more shy and awkward than ever these days, even though I’m happier, because I honestly have no idea how I’m perceived. I don’t think even liberal people are receptive to me.

    But also I’m not sure that I care. Like the local left orgs are involved in a lot of causes. They talk about queer liberation during pride month, and the next month it’s on the tenant rights or whatever. Maybe Im a bad person, but I don’t care that much about the other stuff. I feel that my community, as in trans people, are under significant threat right, and I want to do everything I can to keep the people I care about safe. I don’t have room in my life to worry about others besides them

    I know that’s not intersectional, and that some members of other marginalized groups are also trans, but Im not sure that matters because honestly I don’t trust most of the activists I know to do anything for me if things got really bad. Like sure, they’ll use my pronouns when they’re not they/theming me, and sometimes they’ll be extra friendly because my existence makes them feel diverse or whatever. But they wouldn’t shelter me, or break the law for me, or die for me, like I would for the other trans women in my life.

    Im sure if I joined all the local orgs I would meet based queer comrades who did have my back. But that’s pretty much the only draw for me. And should I really join a group who allegedly wants to do serious work only to use it as a social club?