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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • It’s completely ridiculous and if this is at all accurate this is a damning indictment of that party. I mean if mutual aid is supposedly so “ineffective” and “not worth it" (even though it has a proven track record of success) then what the hell do you call telling people to vote for the Democrats which has proven over and over to be an abject failure of a “strategy”, if you can even call it that? I can think of nothing that is more ineffective and not worth it, in fact i’d say it’s downright counterproductive.

  • what’s the artillery ratio between the two sides again?

    At least 5 to 1, which is also around the same ratio we see in the casualty numbers. This is completely unsurprising as artillery has always been responsible for most of the casualties in a war of this kind. And on top of that Russia is using a huge amount of glide bombs and cruise/ballistic missiles that Ukraine doesn’t even have. So they can break any fortified position and target logistics and C&C nodes pretty much at will. Hence why the “attacker always suffers more casualties than the defender” cliché does not apply here.

    Not to mention that it’s not even that cut and dry who is attacking and who is defending. The Ukrainians take a lot of losses in counter-attacks because they are very unwilling to give up ground (the Kiev regime is very dependent on optics for whenever it goes begging for money and weapons, it has to appear like it’s holding on and that it still has a chance to regain lost territories) and they will often send wave after wave of men trying to regain lost positions even after they have been taken and the Russians have entrenched themselves there.

  • But why tho? Why would they do that? It’s not like they would be any more of a pariah in the eyes of the liberal West if they were openly fascist, in fact they probably would be less shunned. This is what i’ve never understood whenever ultras make claims like this. It’s not like the West has any problems doing business and being allied with despotic monarchies and reactionary dictatorships.

    Like when it comes to China for instance, when ultras say that the CPC are actually capitalists pretending to be communist… What would be the point of that? If they really were capitalist wouldn’t they stand to gain more from openly embracing capitalism and going full neoliberal like Russia did in the 90s? What is there to gain from such a masquerade in a post-1990 world dominated by capitalism? It’s not like we live in a world where being communist is something that benefits your image and relationships with most other countries.

    When have capitalists ever bothered to go to such extreme lengths just to keep up such a charade for so long? Wouldn’t they take the first opportunity they got (late 80s, early 90s) to openly restore bourgeois rule rather than keep pretending and constantly talking about socialism and Marxism-Leninism? There is far, far more money to be made becoming a comprador for the US empire and looting your own country like the Russian oligarchs did rather than being a member of a communist ruling party.

    These conspiracy theories just don’t make any sense even on the most basic level.