• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I cannot win. Yesterday I went down to the docs to get my blood tested to see how tasty it is, only to be told that they’re at capacity for the day (11am) and come back another day.

    Today I go in, take a number and get called in only to be told that I’ve OVER FASTED by an hour or so. I had no idea you could over fast for a blood test. Apparently the sweet spot is between 8 and 12 hours of fasting and I was on hour 15. The lab generally doesn’t do tests over 14 hours.

    And today is my last day in Melton so I’m going to have to come back another time, which isn’t so bad because I can come visit my family. I wasn’t going to see the doc again to get results for a month so I’ll just do it on one of the weekends coming up I guess.

    Annoying because I psyched myself up for the needle… twice… I am historically not great with needles/having blood drawn.

  • I hadn’t been back to see the replies until now but this trip is a week at my parents housesitting so most of the electronics are for work. I have my personal laptop for personal stuff/gaming, work MacBook pro which I’m using now, work iPad, work windows laptop which I’m configuring as a Cloud PC kiosk device. Each of these serve different functions I’m testing. I probably could have left the iPad at home to be honest but it doesn’t take up much room so I threw it in in case someone needed me to test something.

    The shower was something I had in those 30-40 minutes not something I packed in my bag lol

    My media streamer is an NVIDIA Shield Pro. I only brought it because my parents TV is too old for most streaming apps to work properly and now that I’m using the iPhone I can’t stream to the Chromecast I gave them years ago.

    If I’m going proper traveling none of the work stuff comes with me, or the monitor.