• 23 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • You should stop shopping at Libertarians R Us

    Difficult when they’re on every corner.

    Most of Graeber’s work is very easy to find, and with the genocide in Palestine going on, you might be able to find a book called On Palestine by Ilan Pappe and Noam Chomsky, the latter being an anarchist.

    Graeber’s a brilliant paleontologist and an easy read. The world is worse for his passing. But he’s not remotely as influential as your average Silicon Valley anti-government billionaire.

    Pappe clearly isn’t being listened to on Gaza. And Chompsky was the fucking “Vote Joe Biden for harm reduction” guy. Not exactly a revolutionary.

    I can find plenty at other smaller book stores, especially co-ops or left wing shops.

    I have a hard time finding a B&N still open. Nevermind the boutique leftist libraries.

  • Clearly you know nothing about anarchism.

    This is the Anarchism At Home. If you want 19th century European anarchism, you’re going to need a boat and a time machine.

    Rojava, a radically feminist experiment inspired by Bookchin’s later works. It is based in NE Syria has been doing decently well.

    It’s a heavily armed Kurdish cut out that exists primary to fight proxy wars with Turkyie and the remnants of the Iraqi military. It has some excellent press around it, thanks to US/UK media needing a progressive champion in a region where everyone hates us. But there’s a word for a minority militant left wing proxy force.


  • Anarchism is a political philosophy against all unjust hierarchies, including the state and capitalism.

    Unfortunately, its been tightly aligned with capitalism over the last half century. The whole Network State movement in California is a capitalist wet dream. Nevermind the various failed projects in Liberland or the Republic of Minerva, which ended up as little more than failed colonial projects.

    Then you’ve got Anarchist figurehead Milei out in Argentina absolutely shredding civil liberties and public services for his own personal profit.

    Fucking reprehensible.

    Libertarian communism, even though it has the word that is probably scaring you, is usually pretty anti-government and strives for a minimal state, and self-government.

    Name one actual libertarian commune.

    • Left image is a canned PR message from an intern who input “Write a generic Presidential holiday greeting” into ChatGPT

    • Right image is an actual post from the literal actual guy, probably while he takes an enormous dump on his gold-plated toilet.

    Biden’s account gives you some generic superficial squishy pablum totally unreflective of the person wielding power.

    Trump’s account give you the raw red-meat deranged inner thoughts of their most racist online uncle, grasping at the levers of power once again.

    I understand how the second bit would turn you off of Trump. But I cannot, for the life of me, imagine any kind of enthusiasm for the first bit. It’s just… nothing. Absolutely devoid of feeling or intention. Low grade ad-copy, like the person writing it could not give a single shit as to whether it was looked at. And the fact that the candidate himself is this dead fish do-nothing flop doesn’t improve things.

  • but that’ll be the good impe… sorry, the good great power protecting smaller nations!

    If Trump is elected, he will enthusiastically pivot to more militant anti-China policy.

    He’s close friends with Duterte and Marcos in the Philippines, and with the Parks in Korea. He’s popular among Australian white nationalists. And he’s the favorite of the Falun Gong and the Taiwanese ultra-nationalists.

    Four years of Trump will almost certainly see us curtail trade with China and send more naval assets into the South China Sea.

  • it’s not like Trump is gonna be pro-palestine

    Trump loves Netanyahu for doing in Israel what he wants to do in the US.

    Biden loves Israel because he’s bought all the Only Liberal Democracy In The Middle East propaganda they’ve been spewing for decades.

    But if you’re a college student getting your head cracked by a SWAT team storming the Columbia campus, Biden is the one asking for your vote. Trump is asking for the SWAT guy’s vote.

    And that’s why Trump is going to win. The SWAT guy is going to turn out for Trump while the protester spends the day in the ER.