TheLepidopterists [he/him]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2021

  • I’m not sure if this counts as horror, but Home Sick Pilots was pretty cool.

    15 issue run, it’s completed, and is about a teen punk band that goes into a haunted house, a lot of them die (it sounds pretty horror at this point, I know) and the survivor ends up bonded with the ghosts and pilots the house around as a mech made out of rotting wood and powered by ghosts.

    I haven’t finished it, but I really liked the first 20 or so issues of Monstress which is dark fantasy story set in a world with humans, sentient cats, “ancients” which are immortal demigods (and also furries), and arcanics, who are the descendants of humans who had children with ancients and may or may not have any animal traits. It’s set in the aftermath of a war between the humans and arcanics (cw here there’s a lot of bigotry and dehumanization between them, mostly coming from the human side). It’s about an arcanic woman who is on a quest to learn more about her family history and a monster/demon that has bound itself to her. The art is gorgeous but the story gets pretty dark at times.

  • Of course they’re viewed more positively in middle income than high income countries. The high income countries are all part of a global military alliance focused entirely on destroying communism and have fed their populations anti-communist propaganda for decades.

    They’re one the main geopolitical adversaries of the political block that all the rich countries have formed, whereas they are investing in and helping develop poorer countries.

    It is an absolute laugh though that all the countries that destroyed the Middle East over the last 30 years think China is a threat to world peace.