Proud Chinese (ethnic only sadly). Not at all proud and wholly ashamed/alienated Canadian. Trans gaymer, also I like tabletop…

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I mean, he is a lib. Even all the “reactionary right wing” hysteria about him- while not entirely inaccurate- fails to mention that he’s not really more conservative or reactionary (far, far less reactionary, actually, particularly when talking about economic and foreign policy) than the typical conservative in the west. And he’s certainly far less reactionary than the western-backed alternatives (Navalny for instance, an out-and-about fascist)

    Libs are reactionary, and they are right wing. And liberalism (which stands first and foremost for liberal economics) is entirely compatible with conservatism, and even fascism.

  • While the notion that it’s “good” is nonsense, I’d call it a lesser evil, or at least something she and countless others have decided is a lesser evil, infinitely preferable over further poverty, homelessness, and other similarly demeaning and underpaid work.

    This isn’t the first time I’ve seen you posting about it and- well, yeah. Sex work is not good, yes. But within capitalism and a wildly imperfect world, people need their bread, and this focus on the people simply trying to make the best of terrible circumstances and the terrible system they live within isn’t exactly productive, rather the opposite.

  • Good, I hope Russia arms Yemen to the teeth. And maybe, hopefully in the near future, Iran, Saudi Arabia (for balance), and if they want it- Syria and Yemen, should become nuclear-armed states; honestly if I were Putin all the above would likely be in the works, to empower the indigenous states of the region to deter western parasitism. If the west wants to push their tyrannical “nuclear umbrella” ever forwards, the global south- the majority of humanity, and the true forces representing humanity rather than everything inimical to it- should push back, and twice over, in turn.

  • If it’s settler guilt- there’s an easy fix, really. Which also happens to involve moving… personally I see absolutely nothing wrong with leaving when shit gets rough, while I don’t identify as a settler exactly (Asian-Canadian) I sometimes wish my parents never moved to this hellhole myself (though I’m glad I met my partner as a result and wouldn’t change that for the world).

    You don’t owe a damn thing to the country you’re in, particularly and especially not a settler-state, let alone a capitalist, and particularly, neoliberal one. Hell, if you really want to look at it a certain way, you could think about it as that leaving, as a settler, is reducing the core settler demographic- your own parting gift to the indigenous peoples.

  • Honestly I support this dumpster fire (from a safe distance). AmeriKKKa is finally getting the representation it deserves- not what it needs, perhaps, but that isn’t available within this genocidal, imperialist regime. Till it is overthrown, this is the next best thing as I see it.

    As a Klanadian we’re no much better, with our parliament giving standing ovations to Nazi SS veterans. But sometimes medicine is a bitter pill to swallow, this is just the real face of the system. And if the medicine is truly puke-worthy, I suppose at least that forces change. Either that or kills the recipient, which in the case of the empire is perfectly fine by me as well.

    (I’m not an accelerationist, but in terms of merely embarassing cringe like this it works- and also, when the empire is literally in the early stages of WW3 and actively participating in industrial genocide, a whole slew of things become preferable and the opposite of accelerationism when looking at the bigger global picture)

  • Homelander would be the more accurate “capitalism,” though. Hell, even (had to look up her name) Stormfront would be the accurate “capitalism,” considering she’s a “closeted” Nazi. Supes doesn’t belong anywhere in this pic- Supes is basically the American ideal that never existed at any point within its history, nor at any point within capitalism’s history.

    Who’s “fascism,” then? I suppose that Red Skull comes to mind as the most cliche pick, yet looking him up that’s weak sauce, as he’s just Hitler’s protege. Anglo-AmeriKKKan settler-capitalism is not the student- they are the progenitors and inspirations of Hitler and fascism…

  • He’s not done his humiliation yet, I hope he keeps going… (unless he dies from it, that would be nice enough anyways). And afterwards, maybe it’s time for Kamala… bonus points if they keep Kamala so as to retain the Biden funding, but go for a “girl power” team with Killary as VP…

    None of this matters anyways, but the American and broader western decline doesn’t deserve to be dignified. They have had every chance, every chance even now, of choosing peace and prosperity for not only themselves, but the entire world- they have had every chance to even enter the multipolar age and a more equitable system on still advantageous terms, too. And they have rejected it, time and time again- and they will likely continue to do so, because that’s the nature of imperialism…

    Here’s hoping for an absolute dumpster fire of a clown show.

  • For this one, I think added context and understanding is necessary for anyone to get anything meaningful out of it.

    As for what the added context and understanding is? Well, for starters, the US which holds first place, is also the inglorious home of the petrodollar/world’s reserve currency (though this position is slipping away), has made its living for the past half century or so from exporting immense quantities of its debt in the form of said dollars, and pretty much all of that FDI likely goes to wholly unproductive sectors of the economy- speculation and rentier behavior (real estate and the stock exchange). Its currency is overvalued (and despite that it faces serious inflationary problems due to how atrocious its spending is), it is the home of multiple bubbles (like the aforementioned real estate and stock market) waiting to bust, and it features some absolutely abhorrent cartels and govt. sweethearts that are basically guaranteed a constant and ridiculous profit for some of the most overpriced and inefficient goods and services (when such things can even be argued to have been “delivered”) in the world- the military-industrial complex, the entire farce that is the US higher educational system, and the US pharma/healthcare/insurance industries among the top offenders.

    Second place is a particularly inglorious and unenviable spot, too. Canada, my home and (not) native land, is home to serious rentier and cartel behavior- and over 40% of new investments and capital growth to my understanding is from real estate. And similarly to the US- I guarantee, the bulk of it is speculation, not productive activity… not that our “productive activity” is particularly cost-effective either… Anyways, needless to say, this country’s real estate bubble is perhaps one of, if not the most, atrocious and detached from reality out of the developed world. And the country’s place on the rankings do not likely (remotely) affect the true wealth of this nation, and probably even by-and-large serves to worsen the material conditions of the bulk of those living here.

    Similar, I assume, can be said about much of the rest of this list- the FDI is probably mostly not going to productive activity, and is likely generally centered around speculation and asset bubbles. Most notably, if anything the European countries on this list are outright deindustrializing by all appearancea- so where exactly is that FDI going to? Lol…

    The exceptions, I presume, are of course- China (which is undergoing controlled demolition of its own real estate speculation problems), and maybe Japan and the UAE. In China’s case in particular, I imagine a significant portion of that investment actually goes to productive activity (industrial and infrastructure development, primarily).

  • That’s why the answer should be disarmament, not ramping up.

    The Soviets already tried that path, though. We all know how that has ended up, with the events leading up to Ukraine.

    There can’t be any trust in the genocide-reich, as I see it. Whatever treaties they make, even whatever weapons they genuinely destroy (and even with inspectors it can only be questioned if they have more), whatever gains in disarmament are made, will be ephemeral.

    I agree that the long game is the only safe path forward- but a buildup of weapons is the necessary backup plan- and arguably (as I see it) more important, even, than the optimistic safe path that, while theoretically possible, may not succeed (for instance, if the US pre-emptively launches nukes before it declines to such an extent, or even just out of spite).

    So long as MAD exists, I see it as more important than anything else to ensure that it exists as a bulwark- and if not a bulwark, as a promise- towards the west. And I don’t see it as worrying that Russia is drifting towards a first-strike policy; personally I hope that China and North Korea move towards it too in time (so long as the current US regime which seeks global hegemony is around, anyways).

    If humanity is to exist on the precipice of destruction- the risk must be equally shared, and it must be understood that our (humanity’s/anti-imperialist’s/AES’) triggers are just as resolute, just as sensitive, and just as broad in scope as that of the imperialists’. As I see it, that is part of MAD as well- it is not a “sane” course of action, perhaps- it is not the course of action that one would take if self-preservation took priority over all else- but it is the only course of action that sufficiently addresses the circumstances we face; it is the only fully responsible path when faced with such an insane (for lack of a better word), anti-human threat, like that poised over the world since the first genocide-reich and ascendant hegemon became also the first nuclear power.

    The world can move towards disarmament- and I hope by all means it does, though with every precaution taken not to do so prematurely- once the global and hegemonic system of imperialism is done away with. But not before; the risks that come from failing to offer anything but equal and total annihilation are too great as I see it.

  • Yes, it is very well possible that the charges of him being a pedophile are completely false and fabricated by the U.S. government, but him deflecting from it and downplaying the charges as opposed to completely dismissing them is completely disgusting.

    Personally I’ve only ever seen him completely and vehemently dismiss the charges- maybe he deflected in the past, but if so I’d think that he must have stopped doing so sometime in the last… year or more(?) that I’ve been aware of him and listening to his content.

    My assumption as such was and still is, from what I’ve seen of him- well, maybe he’s suspect. Certainly I don’t think that he should be trusted with anything vital- not due to the charges, which considering the circumstances I dismiss entirely until proven otherwise (as we all know the empire loves its smears), but due to the fact he served in the US army, and the amount of US brain worms he has (even if he comes off as halfways decent at least, a risk is a risk). But overall- from what I’ve seen- I haven’t seen anything to dislike.

  • Honestly, for all of Scott Ritter’s American brain worms- he might just be right (that a US civil war would bring on the very real possibility of nuclear strikes on every other relevant state). This kind of sociopathic, malevolent behavior is exactly what the US track record suggests it would resort to, and exactly what anyone with sense expects from it.

    That said, IMO- this just further goes to show how necessary it is for the US regime to be overthrown, and American society to be de-Nazified (or rather- de-Americanized). A maniacal regime that banks on forever wars, constant destabilization and suppression of the rest of humanity through funding (or creating) terrorists, settlers, and fascists wherever they go, which sustains itself off of exporting its debt and thus inflation, and which is dominated by a hegemonic, totalitarian mentality, is incompatible with humanity- either we destroy it, or it will destroy us all, likely sooner than later.