Moonworm [any]

  • 11 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 1st, 2024


  • Watched Lindsey Ellis’s first essay on YouTube in years. It was pretty good actually. As someone who really enjoyed a Yoko Ono exhibit at the MoMA and has a copy of Grapefruit I can see as I type, it’s nice to be validated again that she’s demonized as a cultural activity more than anything else. Also that sucks a lot. The video goes over several examples of this, but that’s only one track of it. There’s a lot more about the will to fame and what actually “broke up” the Beatles.

    Something else that sucks is that censorship vis-a-vis “unalive” and shit is getting pretty crazy these days. Like there are things you just can’t talk about without doing a little censor dance and have your shit be visible. It makes it really difficult to have serious discussions about challenging subjects on what are the pre-eminent media platforms now.

  • As someone who intentionally uses any pronouns as the result of a long process of reflecting on my gender and coming to the conclusion that I am both someone who is comfortable being identified as cis while not really feeling strongly attached to, I guess, any particular set of gender performance norms or personal identification with such a set except as occurs to me moment-to-moment - I guess it wouldn’t be an appropriate statement to say that I’m “just dipping my toes in the water”.

    But I also would be mad if someone got banned over that on my behalf.

  • I’m not a professional generally, but I try to make it a point to help people I know move their stuff.

    The hardest thing I ever moved was also a piano, out of a basement with a tight stairwell. Luckily I had my gym rat brother come help us. But it still took four of us trying very hard to get that shit up the stairs. It was an old buddy I had kind of grown apart from, so I really wanted to do him a favor just to let him know that I was still a friend.

    Honestly it contributed to me now doing strength training. And now that shit has done so much for my mental and physical health.

    Again, never been a professional lifter/mover, but I’ve been on job sites about as long as I can remember and have had home improvement happening consistently with my folks.

    Drywall isn’t that heavy but it is super sucky to navigate around stairs, especially when it’s moisture-proof board.

    I didn’t watch the whole vid vis-a-vis Fieldering, but I’ve always treated this stuff as good exercise and also given it the respect it deserves for body safety. I don’t know if it was just reading the manual and safety labels from my slight autistic nature, but I internalized very early on to lift safely and preserve my back.