is there a firefox app on iPhone?
is there a firefox app on iPhone?
i do miss rpan though
thank you :) i recently remembered my love of afghan squares
is it weird that i don’t care? i don’t care about oodles karma. 0 fucks to give. why do people care?
did you see what r/politicalhumor did? they made every subscribed account a mod
I’m really interested in accessibility certifications. i did not know that was a thing. does anyone know about them?
i enjoyed that movie
tickets were 250k
that reminds me of the monty python sketch with the phrase book
my boardgames post has so much interaction
i remember a news story about a guy who forgot he had his gun on him and didn’t realize until he landed. gonna go look for it
ok so my adhd super power is forgetting shit all the time. this means i usually remember that i like a series but have no idea what happened and can enjoy reading it again.
back in the past, i would often accidentally buy a book i had already read because it got a new cover and i didn’t realize i had bought it before.
i feel that way a lot