• 13 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • My current hyperfixation is the development of a Yu-Gi-Oh cube to play with friends. It’s essentially a large collection of cards that can be used standalone that you draft from in order to produce your deck for that session. It’s really interesting because I have to find keep the power level low but also add interesting synergies for the players to exploit.

    My enduring special interests are anime (in general), yu-gi-oh (even though I am bad at it), early 2000s otaku culture and japanese doujin music, and Falcom (games, music team and the company’s fucked up history).

  • Probably socialization. I remember that in high school I slightly touched a girl’s butt in a club just because it was so normalized among my male peers. They said something to the effect of “girls go to clubs so that they can be groped” which I think that I recognized even then as false. So I can see how “just make her drunk bro, it just works” or worse would be normalised advice among some circles.

    In general I fucking hate the patriarchical brainrot and want to expunge it badly from my brain. Things like expecting women to be pretty trophies all the time, getting thoughts that they are less intelligent than me just because they are women etc are somewhat ingrained to me in the same manner some residual racism or religiosity is. Fuck society for doing this to us

  • What video games have you played recently?

    Secrets of Grindea with my gf, and the original Metal Gear Solid on my own.

    What are your favorite video game genres?

    JRPGs and 2D platformers

    What game have you completed recently and what are your thoughts on it?

    As I mentioned before, the original Metal Gear Solid. I found that the gameplay and game design haven’t aged well but I can see why it was revolutionary for the era. I am mainly referring to most of the combat setpieces, the stealth sections and the adventure game-like riddles were good. The aesthetics, sound design and atmosphere in general were excellent, with the voice acting being insanely good for that time. I also thought the story was good even if the character writing is a bit amateurish at times, with a plot twist that I thought was amazing and very well executed. The themes are also pretty good and interesting even if they aren’t as deep as some fans would have you believe (although all of us are guilty of this with the things we like I guess)