> be me
> be patriotic socialist
> use sinophobia and american exceptionalism to fuel support for my “patriotic socialist” org
> write manifesto called “my struggle”
> org starts receiving a lot of money mysteriously
> membership skyrockets
> start going by “PatSocs”
> get cool uniforms and armbands
> start patrolling neighborhoods
> a lot of those neighborhoods are minority communities
> idpol is an op though so we don’t care
> gain support in the suburbs
> now backed by the country’s most powerful unions
> it’s the police union and prison guard union, but whatever, they’re workers too, right?
> now being called “Patzis” for short
> mfw the actual people’s revolution comes and we’re the baddies
> smdh as I’m lined up against the wall for being a fucking nazi

:hst-gun: :pit:

    • thethirdgracchi [he/him, they/them]@hexbear.net
      3 years ago

      There’s never been an actually existing socialist state without a long and drawn out war of national liberation, whether that be a civil war or otherwise, so that hypothetical doesn’t interest me too much.