Remember, EM POC only!

Sleepy as hell again, comrades, but I might as well get this posted up before I go ahead and rest.

That aside, let’s get those weekly EM POC vibes going!


  • Angel [any]@hexbear.netOPM
    7 days ago

    Black Americans who recognize the flaws of liberalism but then go rightward as a result are like people who input the correct directions into a GPS but then go the complete opposite direction of what the GPS says. thinking-about-it

    • frauddogg [they/them, null/void]
      9 days ago

      As expected, crackers stay out here totally ignoring the DNA evidence that exonerates him, stay out here like “wellllllll I am not completly convinced that he is innocent, buuuuuuuuuuut…”

      And then people ask me why I have no interest in ‘coming together’ with these settler pieces of shit. Every single possible person from the screw on his prison row all the way up to the FAMILY OF THE VICTIMS were out here saying “well I don’t think he did it”, the DNA said he didn’t do it, and crackers will STILL SIT THERE AND FIX THERE FACE TO PLAY THE "well, he was no angel" card.

      Call me the Black Suguru Geto at this point; I fuckin’ hate crackers.

  • GaveUp [love/loves]@hexbear.netM
    9 days ago

    It’s pretty cool being Chinese and having literally every single non-far left as fuck commie friend I’ve befriended at some point since I’ve moved to America say something incredibly racist about my people

    I used to try and educate them but it never works unless they’re like, a borderline homeless trans POC since they have 0 reason to trust society over me

    at this point, I just immediately cut my losses and move to other people

    • Belly_Beanis [he/him]
      8 days ago

      There’s an uncomfortable number of white libs who recognize anti-black and anti-hispanic racism is wrong, but will turn around and shit all over Asians. It really shows where their minds are at. They don’t see black/indigenous Americans or central/south American immigrants as competition because their racism says “those people are unskilled and uneducated.” They become hostile towards the so-called “model minority” both because they view Asian countries as competition to white hegemony and because they see wealthy, educated Asians in the same professions as them.

      This becomes really obvious when you see them infantilize black or Hispanic colleagues, yet are passive-aggressive towards Asian coworkers/“friends.” They’ll understand why saying “You’re really articulate!” to a black person is a microaggression, but won’t hesitate to body shame/fetishize (sometimes both at the same time) an Asian woman.

  • khizuo [ze/zir]
    11 days ago

    Okay I need to rant about this godawful short story that one of my profs had us discuss today.

    It’s called “To the New World” and it’s by Ryka Aoki. It’s really short, if you want to read it; I got through it in less than ten minutes. But you probably don’t want to read it, because it’s bad, lol. The gist of it is that it’s about a Vietnamese-American trans woman celebrating her dead grandma’s birthday and running into her racist white terf “friend”.

    1. This story makes it seem like one can’t be vegan and Asian at the same time. The main character, Millie, has this moment where she heats up a non-vegan food to celebrate her grandma’s birthday and then thinks about how those foods are intrinsically connected to her childhood memories, while the racist white terf character, Sierra, talks a lot about veganism. So as an Asian vegan — am I supposed to draw the conclusion that going vegan is against my culture, or that it’s white terf shit, or something? lol

    2. This story’s ending draws an allegorical connection between Millie’s grandmother escaping the Vietnam war to come to Amerikkka, and being trans. It talks about Amerikkka in glowing terms, i.e. “there’s cheap produce! omg! this is amazing” So am I supposed to draw the conclusion that uhh being trans is cool because it’s just like immigrating to the imperialist settler-colony that commits genocide around the world and at home for the sake of maintaining it’s hegemony?

    3. I think the story is trying to end on a triumphant note, but said triumphant note includes a line where Millie thinks to herself that she should ask Sierra out? I mean personally I would not ask out a racist white terf, but I guess that’s just me.

    4. There are completely unnecessary lines about East Asian people in it for like half the pages. Yes they’re said by Sierra and we’re not supposed to like her, but when I told my best friend some of the lines in this story he said that it felt like my professor had assigned me a microaggression to read, lol.

    5. This is just pettiness, but I really disliked the writing style. The prose was just awkward and there were some really poorly placed similes.

    • Angel [any]@hexbear.netOPM
      11 days ago

      Okay, first of all, for the story in particular, YIKES, WHAT THE FUCK!?

      Second of all, as a vegan of color, I’ve always found the painting of veganism as “racist” and “colonialist” or even simply “white” super inconsiderate in that respect as well.

      Aside from the fact that it’s obviously false, if I take a sentiment like “Veganism is white and racist!” at face value, what’s effectively being communicated is that I’m going against my race, culture, and people just by being vegan. It’s saying that if I’d rather be a vegan than be a carnist, then it’s inherently impossible for me to not be shameful about my blackness.

      I’ve always found that incredibly toxic of non-vegan leftists to do. It’s especially frustrating when done by white carnists, but of course, it still makes my blood boil when done by carnists of color as well.

      I’ve struggled with enough internalized racism by listening to reactionary white queers screech about how they believe that POC have higher rates of queerphobia; I sure as hell don’t want that same cycle repeated but for veganism instead.

    • asante [comrade/them]
      11 days ago

      still kinda confused on the actual differences between wishing death (eg. “death to […]”) on ppl and wishing COVID on them. couldn’t figure out an answer from the thread either

      • frauddogg [they/them, null/void]
        10 days ago

        That was the exact moment it dawned on me how absolutely, laughably hypocritical they are. We went off on all kinds of reactionary motherfuckers, all kinds of wishing fucked up torturous deaths on 'em, wishing shootings, stabbings, King Doohickey pulling up every third thread, all the et cetera; but when I identify a reactionary smugging about disabilities, trying to make excuses for antimask sentiment, and I handle them how I handle a reactionary? Alla sudden because the mod staff is cool with them, I’m going off on a comrade when that so-called ‘comrade’ wants to take up for plague rats.

        And it’s like no one listened to “I don’t consider the motherfucker my comrade”. Be damned if some unprincipled larper just demands I vend out unearned camaraderie or respect to someone I’ve already identified as a tacit hazard.

        • Belly_Beanis [he/him]
          10 days ago

          Alla sudden because the mod staff is cool with them, I’m going off on a comrade when that so-called ‘comrade’ wants to take up for plague rats.

          I’m pretty new to Hexbear. I’ve lurked for about two or three years and just made an account a few months ago. Twice now I’ve had to deal with cracker shit that results in said crackers whining to the mods and getting my posts removed.

          Absolutely no self-crit about how religion was tied to the colonization of my people and the effect that’s had on us. No consideration about gun culture in the US and how it results in people who look like me getting shot because they rang the wrong doorbell. Then I’m the asshole because I stop entertaining their settler brains and treat them like I would chuds.

          If I didn’t have this disability bullshit I’d leave the US and join some leftwing terrorist group in the global south somewhere (in WarCraft 2). I have zero faith in a leftist revolution happening in the US because even our “”““left””“” is in need of re-education. I think Black, Latine, Native American, LGBTQ+, and some Asian-American people are all ready to go. We want an end to the white patriarchal capitalist world order.

          But whites? They are incredibly difficult to work with. It’s even worse when you leave leftist spaces. Just look at how many of them bend over backwards to defend Israel or start foaming at the mouth when China is mentioned.

          • frauddogg [they/them, null/void]
            10 days ago

            Brodie you barrin up over here. Everything you’re saying right here feels like something I’ve either thought, or something I’ve said-- I’m very much at a point where I believe we’re gonna have to watch it burn to the ground before anything of worth is built out of the ashes. Crackers need at least a hundred years of humiliation before they deserve to be regarded as worthy of rejoining humanity’s ranks.

            Only thing I can’t cosign is leaving-- my lineage comes from slaves that may have well been nameless in history’s eyes for how their trails dry up. They died here with hope on their lips; if anything, I at least owe their memory a good fight rather than flight. And if I’m honest, it’s not even honoring memories that’s the primary driving force anymore. It’s fuckin spite. I want to sit right where I’m at and watch the sons and daughters of those who enslaved and murdered my ancestors live through the collapse of all they didn’t pay for. I want to watch every last iota of karmic justice land. If we can’t have liberation, revenge is fine too.

        • asante [comrade/them]
          10 days ago

          great point. had some time to think abt this:

          • every action has a level of validity so it, depending on your moral values. helping someone out is very valid, so is fighting back when bullied
          • wishing bad consequences on ppl may not sound like the right or ““correct”” thing to do, but as an expression of your emotions - sympathy, empathy, trauma, etc. - it is a very valid thing to do and should be welcomed
            • and not recognizing that validity - for example, sites that condemn “death to […]”, “violence against […] is justified”, etc. - tends to come from a privileged, white cis hetero perspective of what are and aren’t valid emotions. quite a few users and the mod to me are engaging in this
          • so wishing COVID on someone is valid as a way to say “fuck you” to ppl who not only don’t recognise the harmful consequences of COVID-minimalism but risk spreading COVID and its harmful consequences to other ppl
            • also i don’t think wishing COVID can really be considered an actual threat because how tf can i give you COVID through a computer screen lol
          • frauddogg [they/them, null/void]
            10 days ago

            Why I said fuck it and made a clean break of it moving my account here. Hexbear might be a lot more shitposty and considered less serious as a result; but at least I don’t see the same hypocritical actions here as I did there. If “serious” all of a sudden started meaning “hypocritical when it suits”, then I don’t want it. I’d rather fw shitposters than people who have all this supposed energy against optic politicking only to weaponize optics politics the minute someone they like is getting called to the front of the room. Idk. I have zero faith in lemmygrad anymore and I pray to every divinity with space on my altar those petri dish defenders aren’t a part of the local IRL formations I organize with.

            They might get the whole org put up in a hospital wing otherwise. And while I’m thinking about it, I’m gonna address all the settler shitheads smugging in that thread like “you wouldn’t say that shit to me IRL” “I got ten bucks you wouldn’t”-- yes the fuck I would. Yes the fuck I would, I have been telling you western “leftists” for the last year I only consider maybe FIVE PERCENT of you peckerwood motherfuckers on any kind of motion AND SOMEHOW THESE CRACKERS THINK I WOULDN’T???

            Trick please, I’ll walk a cracker down in the middle of the road if Ion’t claim them. Nothing I hate more than smug-assed crackers.

            • CommunistCuddlefish [she/her]
              10 days ago

              You were absolutely correct and I’m sorry y’all got hit so hard by covid. People don’t want to face how lucky they are if they haven’t gotten some horrible new health condition from covid of acknowledge that it could happen to them

              • frauddogg [they/them, null/void]
                10 days ago

                People don’t want to face how lucky they are if they haven’t gotten some horrible new health condition from covid of acknowledge that it could happen to them

                And like that, you landed on exactly why I said what I did. Because I know, full well that the settlers with their noses up about this matter never have.

                They haven’t had their respiratory function cut by a third of its former efficiency. They haven’t had their immune systems so wracked by this bullshit that so much as thinking about going to the grocer could give them a cold. They haven’t had to live through only working for five hours of what used to be a ten to twelve hour work day and then getting absolutely doubled over by rapid-onset brainfog as a daily event. And maybe if they had to deal with a case that severe, they’d finally get it. I sure as shit did!

                But no, can’t tell a settler-leftist what he needs to hear, otherwise you’re the villain, especially when you’re not white. I know what I’ll do; I’ll pay Matt Christman or Hasan Piker or some other treatbrain streamer to relay my words to them; that seems to be the only fuckin way they listen to shit.

      • thelastaxolotl [he/him]
        11 days ago

        Honestly its strange to treat wishing covid on people the same as a “kys” yet not having a hard policy to crackdown on people with anti-mask opinions or that minimise covid

      • frauddogg [they/them, null/void]
        10 days ago

        Honestly, the western ‘Left’ is fuckin cooked lmao. If we can’t even get on one accord to end a pandemic that could bring humanity to its knees, how am I supposed to believe these westerners will liberate anybody? How am I supposed to believe they can end the patriarchy, or white supremacy, or capitalism at the end of all things?

  • khizuo [ze/zir]
    10 days ago

    Minimizing COVID is the 12th form of liberalism.

    (no but seriously, my best friend and I were considering assigning Combat Liberalism to our COVID-consciousness club to read)

  • thelastaxolotl [he/him]
    8 days ago

    on my class we were talking about the drama between mexico and spain over not inviting the king to the inauguration of sheinbaum, and while most of it was the standard, the king of spain doesnt matter and so on, one of my classmates said “there werent any bad guys during colonization, only grey” and i just had to stare bulborb-stare and say they literally did genocide, then i just ignore them

  • asante [comrade/them]
    8 days ago

    yall, potential racist and islamophobe spotted. i commented for clarification, but it’s a 2 day old acc so safe to say we should report it for racism and islamophobia