Curiously, the agrarians, ur-Americans of Southern Protestant extraction, were influenced by the leading figure of the French Counter-Enlightenment, the arch-reactionary ultramontane Catholic Joseph de Maistre. Even in the present day, a Southern apologist for slavery has written a screed for something called the Abbeville Foundation extolling Maistre’s hatred of republics. Evidently, despising the very governmental foundation of the United States has become fashionable for a certain type of reactionary conservative.

Émile Faguet, a French author and critic, called Maistre “a fierce absolutist, a furious theocrat, an intransigent legitimist, apostle of a monstrous trinity composed of pope, king and hangman, always and everywhere the champion of the hardest, narrowest and most inflexible dogmatism, a dark figure out of the Middle Ages, part learned doctor, part inquisitor, part executioner."

Maistre hits many of the key themes of American conservatism: religious dogmatism, belief over evidence, anti-scientism, the imperative of obedience to hierarchy and a habitual brooding over violence.

The author then continues on to wealth accumulation.

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  • SoylentBlake
    13 days ago

    You might think that, but those paying for all their hulabaloo actually want a return to the 1880s. The golden Robber Barons days of absolute monopoly, where real men had the goddamn decency to make as much for their owners as they could, right before they died on the job.

    Slavery is the goal. It’s always the goal. When you have enough money to buy anything, why make even more money? Power. They want slavery back, but not chattel slavery (as that fell out of style so long ago). Economic slavery, national neo-serfdom, is their self-congratulatory, evolved moral compromise, their gift to us unwashed masses. And they’re gonna beat it into us until we’re grateful, make no mistake. We are subhuman to them. It is as it’s always been.

    They’re a cancer on the species and need to excised out of existence. The thing about worshippers, fellating everything heirarchy, is that at the center of that is FEAR.

    Which leaves 2 options, remove the tumor, or eradicate enough of the cancerous cells that they’re too afraid to speak up, even in private amongst themselves. And even then, it’s the fear they’ll respect, not suffering opinion. Choosing another option is choosing to let benign become malignant. Everytime. Humanity is generally quite predictable, hence the “history repeats/rhymes” motifs.