Literally none of you really understand what you are mocking, and 95% of your ‘knowledge’ comes from memes and corporate news.

It is impossible to have a decent discussion with any of you, and I have been trying for YEARS.

Every circumstance is filled with ‘gotcha’ intellectual dishonesty parroted from whatever spike haired edgelad streamer you watched this week with ZERO of your own ideas in the mix.

HOW the FUCK can you hold a position that you can’t even defend without devolving into strawmanning and meme repetition? It staggers me how casually all of you just slip into this comforting ignorance that is immune to any discourse.

To be clear, I am NOT a conservative evangelical and I probably hate them more than you do, but none of you will care because ALL theists are the same to you as those ‘God hates fags’ protesters.

Oh I fucking hate every one of you but I still hate conservative evangelicals worse.

At least most of you edgelad ratheists aren’t trying to bring fascism to American.

  • Angry_Autist (he/him)@lemmy.worldOPM
    3 months ago

    That’s not a true assumption at all and is further proof of your kind’s deliberate intellectual dishonesty.

    If you had actually read the thread you’d see in at least 2 places that I am NOT arguing for the existence of a deity, in fact I point out the studies that show that theists report higher quality of life and outcomes than non-theists, and since I assume you believe no deity exists, and the results are peer-reviewed and in some cases multiply attested, you have to accept the results that regardless of the actual existence or not of the supernatural, living AS IF it existed brings better outcomes.

    and therefore is not above mockery.

    Oh you hold things dear that are above mockery and if I were able to sit with you and talk for ten minutes I GUARANTEE I could find at least 2 subjects you feel would be above mockery.

    The thing is, by making everything mockable, you run into bullshit asymmetry and all the good gets lost in a rising sea of trollish discourse.

    Great example is the ACA, in its original form it would have been the single best gift to American citizens, but the Republicunts mocked it for years and years until their constituents don’t realize that the ACA and ‘Obamacare’ are THE SAME THING, because it is a LOT easier to spew constant lies and mockery than it is to refute it.

    The REASON certain things were held sacred and above reproach was usually because of how critical they were to society, for example the sanctity of human life, or of motherhood, or of charity.

    So now that ‘nothing is sacred’, human life can end over a pair of shoes and no one cares, antinatal movements are in full swing, and the only time people talk about charity anymore is to say how celebrities use it to dodge taxes.

    The simple fact is the world would be a lot better if we stopped mocking certain things, and we WOULDN’T be here where we are now if all of you and your ilk weren’t hellbent on uprooting three thousand years of human social development because you are angry your mommy wouldn’t let you bring your 3ds to church on Christmas.

      3 months ago

      I really, really don’t like it when you say things like “you and your ilk”. You are embodying everything you say you’re against.

      And that last paragraph. Holy shit!

      Ban me, hypocrite.

      • Angry_Autist (he/him)@lemmy.worldOPM
        3 months ago

        I know and it feels fucking great to be on this side of it for once in my life after so many hundreds of you harassing me for daring to be passionate about something that has so massively improved my life.

        Oh my fucking GLOB you have no idea how magnificently, fucktastically tired I am of all of your half baked meme responses and smug superiority despite the fact that you are JUST as ignorant about theology as the people you mock and when confronted with that fact you and YOUR ILK actively use the same goalpost shifting and intellectually dishonest tactics you accuse cuntservatives of doing.



        There has never once been a post where I have engaged with an atheist, no matter how rigorous or referenced my posts, no matter how genial and respectful, that isn’t downvoted completely to oblivion, and I’ve been trying this for FUCKING DAMN NEAR TWENTY YEARS!

        I have a bad opinion of you and your ilk because 99.9% of atheists I run into DO THE EXACT SAME INFURIATINGLY BULLETPROOF DANCE.

        And you STILL claim the moral high ground afterward.

        So yeah, every atheist can turn to dust and make the world a better place.

        And I wouldn’t think that if even a handful of you hadn’t, but in my entire time doing this I’ve had exactly 3 atheists respond reasonably. In two decades… Those posts were still comment bombed or downvoted to oblivion though, and so were the reasonable atheist replies. Looks like you rabid sycophants can’t even stand dissent from your own kind. How pathetic.

        Ban me, hypocrite.

        Make me…

          3 months ago

          Blocked. Fuck off, you basement dwelling asshat. You are the worst person I’ve met on Lemmy, and I’ve met tankies. You are definitely going to hell. If there is a god, he hates you.

          • Angry_Autist (he/him)@lemmy.worldOPM
            3 months ago

            There are literal fashy shock troops on Lemmy right now and you call me the worst person you met?

            You must not engage much.

            Edit: Sorry, hell isn’t for the saved. I know you don’t care, just want to set the record straight when people start coming into the thread with dispensationalist bullshit.

              3 months ago

              If there is a god, have you asked him why he cursed you so much? To suffer these perceived personal attacks from nothing?

              To have uncontrollable rage?

              To feel no one understands you?

              To have such a unique, individual take on the entire world that not a single other soul can even slightly comprehend and engage with your incoherent rambling?

              Do you feel you have a personal relationship with your god? Does he talk to you directly?

              • Angry_Autist (he/him)@lemmy.worldOPM
                3 months ago

                I’m sorry I can’t pray away your media illiteracy, you really might want to read the posts in this thread a bit more before making yourself look even more foolish.

                You don’t understand my position on the existence or lack thereof of God, neither do you understand what a god talking would even be like if such a being does exist.

                If we are to believe the Biblical accounts, actually taking to God bleaches your hair white and causes your eyes to shine like lamps, and neither of those things have happened to me.

                I read the Bible, I learn the lessons there, I apply them to my own life. I have never had a flaming tablet fall out of the sky with the words ‘I EXIST’ etched on it, I have never heard an audible voice I have attributed to God.

                And as for my ‘relationship’, if it exists at all then it is mostly me being angry at Him for making the world to be such an arduous test. I’m pretty sure I’ve spent more time seething at Him than praising Him.

                Most of the time I wonder if Gnosticism is true, and the ‘god’ of the material universe is just a flawed demiurge reflection of a greater perfect God beyond all understanding. Honestly I feel there is more evidence for the demiurge as at least the current ruler of the world (which has some Biblical backing as the adversary was given dominion over the world til Judgment, he is literally called the Prince of the Air).

                  • Angry_Autist (he/him)@lemmy.worldOPM
                    3 months ago

                    Yes and unfortunately I am without voices in my head which I already mentioned to you but I guess you were too busy thinking of your clever little ableism jab to read the section where I wrote:

                    I have never had a flaming tablet fall out of the sky with the words ‘I EXIST’ etched on it, I have never heard an audible voice I have attributed to God.

                    Frankly I’d LOVE to be schizophrenic because at least then I would know that my grim world was a product of madness and not a sick and dying culture.

                    And there are plenty of effective schizophrenia medications whereas even after decades and dozens of different medications, literally nothing works for more than 2 or 3 weeks on my IED.