What games have been scratching your itch this week? What’s been great, what’s been ordinary, what’s been forgettable?

The bot’s having a day off after our elections in the UK (it’s always a late night waiting for results to trickle in) but it’ll be back after it’s had a good rest and a talk with itself about responsibilities.

Links welcome, and hope you had a lovely week :)

  • kopi-pasted@incremental.social
    2 months ago

    This week I’ve been playing lots of Antimatter Dimensions. I decided to pull a save at 1 Reality and start from there, since I feel the game flows better that way. I don’t intend to complete the game, I’ll probably end my run as soon as Automator scripts become required.

    I’ve also been playing some mods of that game. Aarex has a collection of mods from before the Reality update. To access all of the mods, you have to go into the “settings” tab, click “load”, then click on the “mods” section in the pop-up. I’ve been playing NG-5, which nerfs you heavily but adds 2 new pre-infinity prestige layers to compensate. I really like this kind of mod, because you get to experience the new content right from the beginning of the game. It’s a bit too slow for me, but I’m okay with that. The alternative, which is adding in one of the mods that buffs me, makes the game too fast and prevents me from appreciating the new content.

    I tried playing Antimatter Dimensions: Simplified, which aims to make the content of the Reality Update easier to digest. I like what it’s trying to do, but my problem with it is that it’s too easy - it becomes a test of how quickly I can navigate through the UI. It also doesn’t seem to do anything about the Automator being required at some point in the game. Still, I’ll keep a save of it just in case.

    In other news, I’ve been trying to learn the Canvas API in order to replicate the grid in CLEANSED. Progress is slow, but I’m getting there. My current task is making sure that the grid will look clean no matter what font I select or what size it is, which (I think) requires the use of TextMetrics.

  • laleyou@incremental.social
    2 months ago

    Yes!! okay… This week I have held on to Trimps and as such am raking in the helium/s, made it upto the balance challenge atm. The idle isnt the most customizable but by being so hands off it kindof is… feels like playing the super slow postgame of idle formulas and just looking at the normal game like “this strategy will take a day? fine!” .Suppose as like a leave the game when wont to factor with also, thinking about it in the background in a nice way… yea it is feeling good atm.

    Also bounced off of many other games out of impartial alacrity - This one stayed with me though , thinking it is pretty somehow… the combination of conveyors and practical infinity against those like ten rows are not that much… am I okay in trying to relax with it? well can assure it is rather funny what you can get away with!

  • cardboardempress@incremental.socialOPM
    2 months ago

    This week I closed Fundamental - definitely worth playing, but I feel I’ve come to the end of it for me.

    I finished Progress Knight Quest and closed the tab! :D

    Megami Quest One and Two

    As ever, Anti-Idle: the Game. This link is to the developer’s Google drive and has the standalone Flash executable as well as docs.

    Oh, and shedloads of Terraria. I’m still bad at all aspects of the game but terribly pleased I’ve beaten the first 3 bosses on classic. I’m really that awful at combat.