For the record I am a chick and i do not have fake tits

No offense to dudes here either bc yes they’re allowed a preference.

But it’s just been the majority opinion amongst guys I’ve asked this to, that fake boobs are unattractive and real ones are much sexier.

Did you catch that?

They’ve said they are unattractive.

To me, that just feels like an exaggerated kind of shitty out of touch response. Especially being that most guys watch pornography where most of the women have fake tits. I’ll even go out on a limb here and say MOST women who do porn, HAVE FAKE TITS.

So how the fuck can you say that?

The argument is that they look fake and feel fake. Ok, I can understand that point of view. But listen, it’s 2024 I know cosmetic surgery has advanced to limit that. Especially if you get a great doctor. Are there any women here who have fake boobs that have been indistinguishable for a guy to tell the difference?

For me, it’s about the aesthetic. Fake boobs (not basketball ones) just look nicer. Simetrical, they make your body look sexier even and your clothes look nicer and your arms look smaller. More arousing in my opinion.

I would prefer to have bigger fake boobs then my current natural ones for those reasons. My current boobs are nice yea, but I just want them bigger. A cup size or two.

Anyway this post isn’t about me and my boobs. I just don’t get that viewpoint on it. I feel like it’s contradictory.


I’ve even heard a few say that women with fake ones are jealous of women with big real ones, bc even they know most men prefer real over fake and that is why they’re jealous.

Overall the whole thing is fucking stupid. Tits are tits even if they’re fake. I don’t get the hate.

    2 months ago

    IMO It’s an uncanny valley thing. Fake boobs don’t look like natural flesh. Real boobs look and feel soft and plushy, while fake boobs look like hard balls stuffed inside not enough skin.

    They ARE unattractive to some people. For those people smaller boobs are better than big fake silicone balls in your chest.

    But, to each their own. Some people like them. And if you like them for yourself you should do what you want.

  • Twinkletoes
    2 months ago

    Obviously fake boobs in porn usually turn me off so I was always one of those guys who said he didn’t like them but I had met women with implants who looked really sexy fully dressed. Kind of like the wonder bra effect, so I just shrugged it off as a personal choice. Well, a couple of years ago I reconnected with an ex who had her boobs done and she let me see and feel them and… holy shit. I was surprised to find out that I really liked them a lot. They were perky and firm and really turned me on. I think, if done right, they can be great. But, it’s also important to consider the health effects. Unless you can afford to get top quality, then I wouldn’t recommend it. Cheap ones are potentially dangerous and probably won’t look good. At the end of the day, natural is best but I’ve changed my mind about fake boobs. They can be really nice 😊

    2 months ago

    You ever met a woman with fake tits, that ended up leaking into her bloodstream, caused her a stroke, and she can no longer speak for the rest of her life?

    I have. Nuff said. It’s stupid, and very dangerous should anything happen to go wrong.

    2 months ago

    I’m not very particular about boobs in general. The ones I get to see and touch are the ones I like. I also tend to like more natural look, sag/droop/etc is a turn on for me personally.

    I would guess the sentiment that fake boobs are disliked is more part of the body acceptance movement. There have also been decades of plastic surgery to show good and bad boob jobs. The bad ones are unfortunate as they do the opposite of their intent. Good ones are, typically, not part of this conversation at all. Much like other good plastic surgery, nobody talks about it because nobody can tell.

    In a world where money is tight for most of us, I would hesitate to be in a relationship with someone who spent all that money on a cosmetic thing. But I would feel that way about people who travel a lot or buy stupid expensive stuff, just doesn’t align with my lifestyle.

    2 months ago

    In my experience, what’s good to the eye is seldom good to the touch.

    But at the end of the day, I’d rather be with someone who has fake ones and feel good about themselves than the opposite. As long as it looks reasonably proportionate, that is.

    2 months ago

    Bad fake tits are terrible to look at and feel. Like someone else mentioned: uncanny valley. However, let’s talk about the good ones, the ones that objectively look great and aren’t obviously fake.

    You’ve listed some very external measures of beauty, effectively reducing attraction to its most physical components. I’m going to argue that external beauty is just the bait, attraction is sourced in inner beauty, and fake tits are a sign that the internal world is ugly and unattractive.

    Unless there is some kind of deformity that needs rectifying, spending money on fake tits reflects an unhealthy preoccupation with image. Not BEING a good person, not being attractive through health, enthusiasm, passion, or kindness, but APPEARING to meet some arbitrary external standard of beauty.

    For me, fake tits are a red flag that someone is shallow. They’d rather spend money on something superficial, than make themselves more attractive through becoming a better person. It reflects vanity, and that’s a quality that is damn unattractive to me.

    So, even if someone had perfect fake tits that I had previously gawked at, the minute I find out they’re fake my attraction to that person immediately plummets.

    Anyway, a good smile turns me on way more than an extra cup size.

    2 months ago

    Big boobs are better, but all boobs are still boobs. Big natural boobs are the best, but boobs with implants are still boobs. They still have a woman’s skin on the outside so they feel nice either way. So if a guy says implants are all unattractive they are gay and dumb. The implants would have to make the boobs ridiculous / unnatural looking to be unattractive.