tl;dr: My partner refuses to meet agreed upon cleaning goals and it’s causing significant relationship issues. She’s never blamed her ADHD, but I know it’s a factor.

Is my ask (that she clean one uncommonly cleaned "chunk’ of the house each week) unreasonable? Or rather, is my reaction to her not clearing this (very low, in my opinion) bar unwarranted?

My partner and I are both women, both diagnosed with ADHD.

She doesn’t work due to anxiety, so I have to support us financially 100%, but she agreed early in our relationship (long before either of us had been diagnosed) that she’d take care of the housekeeping. She does some, but our house has never felt “clean” or “tidy” to me.

I lost my job during covid, and was lucky enough to get on the unemployment train for a while which was a blessing because I was battling severe burnout.

As our savings neared depletion, the thought of re-entering the workforce was causing me massive depression, and when I was all but ready to just give up on everything, I asked her for help.

Just a part time job, or work from home, or anything to generate income to take the weight off my shoulders so I could try to develop some entry level coding skills and get a job I could be proud of.

She agreed, filled out a resume and browsed some job boards… and nothing came of it.

After a while, I asked her to at least sell a box of old Amiibos on ebay. Once again, she agreed and didn’t follow through.

As the savings dried up, I was forced to get a shitty job that’s (still) just barely paying the bills.

After a few weeks of working again, I brought up the cleaning thing in an argument. I mentioned how she agreed to but never helped out financially, so I quantified the cleaning and set a (very low) bar for her to cross. She told me it was reasonable and it would get done.

3 years later and she has yet to clear the bar and our relationship is only being held together by a few thin strands of codependency.

The bar: On top of her baseline (Dishes, laundry, kitchen, living room, bathroom, and meals 4 nights a week, typically frozen pizza or something else from the freezer section, give or take), I asked her to take on a “Project” once a week. Something in the house that’s rarely cleaned, which roughly requires the effort it takes to clean and organize our small 2ft by 2ft pantry. So like an hour or so.

It’s not happening.

She throws excuses at me left and right, but she’s never blamed the ADHD. I’ve considered it though…

So what I’m coming here to ask… I know you don’t know her specific case (we are both at mild to moderate ADHD), but does my request sound unreasonable? Should I try to be more understanding?