Could it be that they just copied the one in yuzus repo and hard-replaced the names? Three quote makes reference to 2019, which is very weird for a 2024 project, but would be more normal for the timeframe of yuzu
However, in order to compete with modern emulators in 2019 and beyond, suyu also needs to be a product.
So for now “2) more easily monetise the project […] 3) restrict the access of non-core parts of the suyu source code” is the policy of suyu until revoked.
Funny: “suyu also needs to be a product. We need to find ways to monetise the project”
Could it be that they just copied the one in yuzus repo and hard-replaced the names? Three quote makes reference to 2019, which is very weird for a 2024 project, but would be more normal for the timeframe of yuzu
Yes, it’s pretty much the same text as before but contributor zqpvr also adjusted the spelling of “monetized” to “monetised”, so it’s definitively not like the document flew under the radar and it was just part of a bulk import with a search and replace of yuzu to suyu:
So for now “2) more easily monetise the project […] 3) restrict the access of non-core parts of the suyu source code” is the policy of suyu until revoked.
Will have to see how it goes, might be some OCD as another typo was also there.
I hope they don’t get Nintendo any ammo to go after them.
Deleting the entire thing would have gotten rid of the typo as well. At this point, that’s just stupidity.
Cloning the repo of yuzu right at Nintendo tried to make an example of them might be considered…stupid.
Don’t get me wrong, I hope the best for them. But I would not risk my future against Nintendo.