We hear about all the young people making a big deal of their successes in their early years. Twenty-something tech gurus or entrepreneurs that make their fortune early.

Who here is past 45-50 and maybe made a switch or restarted and found success and a modicum of happiness in their new position?

    • rekabis@lemmy.ca
      8 个月前

      True, but if you are caught in a fundamentally violent economic system that essentially dictates to you, “be profitable to someone else or suffer and risk destitution, homelessness, and even early death”, you join the other 99% in hustling for every dollar you can earn rather quickly.

      Boomers frequently don’t understand this, having lived their most productive years in the most economically vibrant era of western civilization, where a minimum-wage job was able to let a single wage earner have a spouse and a few kids, a good roof over their heads, a car in the driveway and a vacation at least once a year, all the while having more than enough left over to save for retirement.

      Those days are long gone, with even highly-educated DINK’s struggling and going homeless, and never having enough to even survive well, much less thrive and save for retirement.

      • Kor
        8 个月前

        I should have replied to your comment instead of creating a new thread. You touched on so many points I also wrote about in my wall of text, it’s not even funny :D