A Los Angeles county sheriff’s deputy shot and killed a 27-year-old woman who had called 911 to report that she was under attack by a former boyfriend, police officials and lawyers for the victim’s family said on Thursday. Records show the deputy had killed another person in similar circumstances three years ago.

On 4 December, Niani Finlayson called police and “reported that her boyfriend would not leave her alone and then screaming and sounds of a struggle could be heard”, the LA sheriff’s department (LASD) said in a statement. When deputies arrived at the apartment in Lancaster, a city in the northern region of LA county, they could hear screaming, LASD said.

Finlayson was inside with her nine-year-old daughter and had been injured by her ex-boyfriend and wanted him removed, her family’s attorneys said. The exact circumstances that led to the fatal shooting are unclear and LASD has so far declined to release body-camera footage.

  • IHadTwoCows
    9 months ago

    Americans are pathetic, weak-assed pussies who can never stand up for themselves and always do whateveer they’re told by anyone who has money or gives themselves “authority”. This especially goes for Texans and the radical fascist MAGA ilk who talk a big game about freedom and tyranny but lie down like beaten dogs the moment they see anything in a shade of blue.

    I used to be proud of this country, then I sobered up and saw what it was. It deserves to be invaded and destroyed. A thousand more 9/11s will not stop this shithole from being a bastion of pathetic selfish weaklings.