I know it will probably fail, thanks in advance anyway

So, I’m from Dominican Republic and my GF is an US citizen and she’s not working for reasons that are not relevant. She doesn’t have an income.

Some time ago a lightbulb went off in my head and I thought to myself: Wouldn’t it be really, really cool to have a remote position as an interpreter/customer service rep (what I’m doing right now) but working “from” the US?

I think I got all bases covered. Skype phone numer, address in the US for her mom where I could potentially receive mail or anything and my GF’s consent to impersonate her.

There’s just a couple of things that worry me. Firstly the interview: It’s 2023, maybe they won’t question why, although I’m biologically female, why I look and speak like a man? Would saying that I’m transitioning work? Work computer? Do all companies require you to use their own equipment? Having the equipment sent to me from US to DR is possible but would take a while to arrive here and IDK if they could notice that I’m abroad so maybe a router would be neccesary I guess.

  • amatea6@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    There are so many things wrong with this idea. For one, you both will be committing fraud. Want to see your gf sued or put in jail? This is how it happens.

    Second, many companies look up prospective employees to learn about them, including what they look like. How do you expect to make it past the interview while looking nothing like her?

    Third, when you get fired (and you will) what happens to your girlfriend’s future? She’s not working now but what about in a few years when future employers call her past employers for reference? Or God forbid, what if she wants a government job? That’s automatic disqualification.

    Fourth, tax implications! If you break up, guess who is stuck paying taxes on income she doesn’t even have?

    Fifth, a lot of remote jobs require at least 1 appearance in person. Not all, but some. Whether it’s flying you out to the yearly leadership dinner, or in person training to then send you onto working at home.

    Sixth, when you get caught there will surely be a crackdown on other remote employees. One bad apple ruins the bunch.

    Do I really need to keep going?

  • BarrySix@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Most interviews I had in the last 10 years use video. You might be able to lie your way out of the female voice but lying your way out of having an obvious man face, a non-US accent, and a look that obviously doesn’t match your name would take politician level lying. They won’t care if you say you are transitioning, or your race. They will care if they pick-up on the fact you are being dishonest with them.

    You can get stuff shipped by DHL, UPS, FedEX fast enough. But that does need someone in the US to do the shipping.

    Your girlfriend knows you are doing this, right? She has to file correct taxes and state that the income you make is hers. That income really has to go into her bank account or it could get messy with banks when they freeze transactions and ask for a wage slip and job contract in your name.

  • Guilty-Actuary89@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Do it! I pretended to be a mid level SWE early in my career. My coworkers knew my deception after month 1 but accepted it