(caveat: I have only briefly reviewed changelogs and didnt spot anything)
I just fired up magit to merge my dev branch into master, and somehow the keys have changed or are not working. I used to hit “b l” to checkout a local branch (in this case master) where I’d then merge dev into it, push it to github, and then checkout out dev again.
I get this message:-
“transient-setup: Suffix magit-branch…merge/remote is not defined or autoloaded as a command”
Hopefully someone here has recently done the slog and can save this lazy individual some time. What changed? I havent touched my magit setup for literally years.
(magit-checkout from minibuffer works fine).
GNU Emacs 29.1.50 (build 3, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.24.37, cairo version 1.16.0) of 2023-08-10
straight package manager.
You didn’t mention which Emacs Version, package manager, etc.
A very good point and stupid of me. added. That said, if someone else has seen this error they’ll recognise it.
What’s needed is a reproduction case. There are people claiming the bug affects them with both package.el and Straight. I’ve not encountered the bug myself, and frankly can’t be bothered to dig into it if the people who are seeing it can’t provide a repro.
Then dont. This was merely asking if someone has solved it. Thanks for the link.
A. Upgrade all the upgradable packages.
B. Downgrade to a known-good set of packages.
C. File a bug report (but only after trying A).
Those are your choices.
Downgrading to a “known set” of good packages is a lot of work requiring time galore.
The other option is someone else has come across this and has a solution.
idk if you found a solution but i just had the same problem after a mass package update i did. To solve it, I deleted magit-* from .emacs.d/elpa (i.e. all the cached files), restarted emacs and after it re-downloaded magit, problem was gone.