yoink [she/her]

  • 14 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: April 15th, 2021


  • i remember the half-truth going around when I was a teenager and first encountering this book, that orwell was actually writing about a system he himself was part of

    it literally took until this thread for me to realise I still had never addressed that falsehood, like of course orwell didn’t actually live in the USSR, but i bet most people (if asked) will still believe that to be the case - that 1984 is orwell criticising a system he previously supported/was a part of, and not a piece of fiction spun out of whole cloth

  • this is what it always comes down to

    they don’t respect artists, they don’t respect artistic labour but they so desperately need and want the fruits of said labour and so the only option left is to cheat and lie

    hell, it’s evident in the last sentence of their reply - that they see ‘Artist’ as a profession that is getting ‘Obsoleted’, as if the only reason art exists in the first place is because we as a society have been too archaic, and we would jump at the chance to drop the creative process in a heartbeat

    complete and total alienation from creativity as a human experience