• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I agree. the only thing that we can say scientifically is that someone has a specific amount of traits we have associated with the social label ‘woman’. These traits are biologically speaking primarily related to reproduction and which role one would be able to fulfill the most effectively. Which does leave room for being able to fulfill both reproductive roles in some way or another.

    Our social needs to mark ourselves and others as one of the two is deeply ingrained, but as it’s such a grey area under the hood it would make sense to have a more fluid relationship with the topic.

  • Yes, in the same way a field of corn on a farm can be seen as art. We do not have full control over how it actually looks in the end, but it’s an expression by natural phenomena (sometimes guided or initiated by humans).

    You could argue about the amount of free will required to create art. But in that case one could philosophically raise the question if humans even have free will, and if anything may be called art then at all.

    I think if something is observed as art, it is by definition art. And perhaps everything that exists and is created could fit that description. But personally one of the more interesting types of art to me are where living beings are involved in the creation, while they’re actually thinking of creating art; and I think most discussions are about that concrete level.

  • Well to be fair, to get out of the situation that makes you feel that way is pretty similar as to remove yourself from it.

    But I’m being pedantic, I do get what you mean of course. Personally I’m not really against ending ones own life per se, only the dramatic options that usually lead to all kinds of trauma should be looked at. We can handle this as a society with a gentle support for those who’d like to pass away.

    It can be an acceptable solution to ones pain; but for the sake of your surroundings it should perhaps not be the first.

  • Of course. Perhaps I should add that I’m not from a native-English speaking country. I’ve seen lots of times where people, mostly not so highly educated (which is a large segment of the population), just don’t see obvious satire as it is or in their hate make the jokes part of their argument set.

    Partly because they only understand half of it or are willingly blinding themselves and just further fueling their rage.

    Just saying, source / certificates might mitigate some of those issues or at least make them easier to debunk for the ones who they forward their ‘evidence’ too.