Todd Bonzalez

  • 6 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 7th, 2024

  • Look, I know there exists a certain stereotype of the “Weeb”, as an overweight bearded man obsessed with Anime, unemployed, living in his parent’s basement surrounded by hentai posters and waifu body pillows. I’ve met this kind of person before, they do exist.

    But this is still just a stereotype, and it absolutely does not apply to the vast majority of Anime watchers. I know plenty of professionally and socially successful people who love geeking out about Anime. It’s really hard to think of any of them as losers.

    The real losers I’ve met in life are the intensely negative assholes that always have an excuse for hating other people. The people who decide that everyone who likes something they don’t must be stupid. Nothing says “loser” like your brand of antisocial close-mindedness.

    If it makes you feel better thinking everyone else is a loser, more power to you, but everyone else sees who the real loser is.

  • I love it when people are like “the current set of laws is difficult to enforce, but adjusting the language of the law to make it more enforceable is NOT the answer”, and then they just shrug it off like there’s no solution.

    Better laws do solve the issue. As I said, this man got his gun from somebody, and that somebody isn’t suspect numero uno right now, so we need laws to change that.

    If the law isn’t serving us, the law ought to be changed.

    Unless you have an alternative plan to offer, you’re really just saying “do nothing”, which you are welcome to do, but personally I would like to see less violence in the world.

  • One that would have prevented him from getting his hands on a firearm.

    If he’s a felon, he shouldn’t have been able to possess a gun. Did someone sell him a gun? Did someone let him borrow their gun? Did he steal it from someone who didn’t store it securely in a gun safe?

    Write the laws so that the person responsible for the felon having a gun can be convicted of murder for the people killed with that gun. Make the liability for owning and selling guns so strict that you would have to be an idiot not to take every precaution to protect yourself from fault.

    Because this won’t stop unless something changes, and we can’t just sit on our hands and pretend it was nobody’s fault every time it happens. If we’re going to make laws forbidding felons from owning guns, we better start treating anyone who enables felon to have a gun as accomplices in any crimes committed with the gun, without exception. No protections for guns stores or private sellers, just actual enforcement of laws prohibiting felons from possessing firearms.

  • I find happiness in demanding that I get paid what I am worth, rather than rolling over and trying to make due with less.

    I wasn’t really speaking honestly when I said that I personally can’t afford to go camping, I am just ridiculing your belief that people are just failing to make the most of life, when life fucking sucks hit shit for millions of people right now.

    Nobody wants to hear you pretend that economic issues don’t matter. If that makes you feel better with your own lot in life, more power to you, but nobody wants to hear your “If I can be happy so can you” condescension from anyone when they’re talking about how wages are stagnant and the working class can’t afford basic luxuries as a reward for their hard work as previous generations could.

  • my point is that the exception carved out for punishment was not meant as slavery-by-other-means

    Well, that’s exactly what the 13th amendment says:

    Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

    It’s pretty easy to conclude that using convicts as slaves was a part of the plan. Remember, this was 1865, 99 years before the civil rights act. Black people may have been freed from obligate slavery, but the completely unequal laws made it quite easy to funnel black Americans into chain gangs.

    Just because some white people were also slaves now doesn’t really make a difference.

  • Let me get this straight:

    If a man removes a condom mid-sex, against his partner’s wishes, and continues to have sex with her until his finishes inside her, you believe the issue here is her “regret” for having sex with a man that would violate her sexual boundaries, and not the fact that a man forced a woman to have sex with him in a way she did not consent to, that could have extraordinary negative consequences for her?

    Fuck off with that sexist victim-blaming bullshit. Consent is fundamental to sex. Sex without consent is rape.

    And don’t argue that consent was withdrawn after-the-fact. Consent was granted on the condition that a condom be worn. The moment you insert your bare cock into her, you’re fucking raping her.

    I’m sorry I have to spell this out for you so graphically, but someone needs to explain consent to you since your parents never evidently never did.

  • A) Most everyone is going to interpret this in the context of U.S. politics given that we’re a superpower on the brink of fascist accelerationism pending the results of an election 120 days away. You bring up Finland and Russia elsewhere in the thread, but Finnish elections already happened last month and I really don’t hear anyone else talking about Russia’s upcoming gubernatorial and parliamentary elections coming up in September right now.

    B) I was being tongue-in-cheek about the fact that the only party that could logically “refuse to step down” is the incumbent, which in the context of U.S. politics would be Biden. It was a joke, don’t be a baby.

    Tl;Dr: OP is a troll who posts vague memes and then scolds anyone who attempts to interpret or joke about them.

  • 20% is still 100% too many, and it doesn’t matter if the prison is publicly or privately owned, or if the labor is profitable. Forced labor while in another’s custody is slavery. It doesn’t matter if it’s the government that owns you. It doesn’t matter if they are losing money on your labor. It doesn’t matter if you are guilty of a crime. The definition of “slavery” is very straightforward.

    Anyone arguing otherwise is arguing in favor of slavery. There are no acceptable defenses for slavery.

  • that forced labor without profit motive or ownership of a person is so far removed from slavery as to not warrant the term.

    Take a step back. We’re talking about prison labor. That labor is worth capital that the laborer will see none of. They are in state custody, potentially for the rest of their life.

    There is a profit motive. The prisons make money selling slave labor. Corporations make money sourcing cheap labor from prisons. Many of those prisons are privately owned for-profit businesses.

    The laborer is owned by the state and is not free to leave or cease laboring, and and is subject to other forms of cruelty including psychological torture if they refuse.

    How you couldn’t conclude that this laborer is a slave is beyond me. “It’s okay if you’re not profiting off of it” is a terrible rational for stripping a person of their rights completely and using them like cattle with the threat of torture as a punishment for disobedience. Furthermore, it’s not true, prison labor is quite profitable for everyone involved except for the slaves.