• 5 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 18th, 2024


  • This one baffles me: leaving a huge gap when stopping a vehicle at a traffic signal. Ordinary intersection in flat terrain, I’ll pull right up to the marker/crosswalk/vehicle ahead:


    Sometimes see other drivers a bit back. OK fine, maybe it’s alright. Suppose it’s good in the event of a stopped rear-end collision, to protect pedestrians/vehicles in front:

    |=| [::]

    But what’s with this nonsense? Is it just me? I don’t remember seeing this earlier than the last ten years or so. Not a sensible safety gap, no. I’m talking two, three or more car lengths of space! Nowhere near the inductive loop sensor:


    This is without any property entrances on either side, mind you. That I could understand since it leaves a space for traffic to pull out, or in from the oncoming lane. This just seems to occupy space for no purpose other than to reduce traffic density on one block and increase it in the trailing block (?).

    Completely baffled; what am I missing? Where did this come from? Is it just me? Even worse is when I stop my vehicle behind theirs and then they creep forward a car length or two, making me look like a dummy.

  • Said what I came to say better than I probably could have. Loved anime in the '80s-'90s before I knew what it was called. Found the visual styles to be quite striking and the cel animation special effects like backlighting very appealing. As a pre-teen/teen it was novel to see animated features dealing with darker subject matter.

    Very little interest nowadays apart from visiting traditionally animated features I missed back then. Don’t find digital animation appealing in general. Plus my tastes in stories and dramatic elements have shifted quite a bit from back then, and to me anime represents something very specifically Japanese the nuances of which seem to be lost on me.

    Another facet: couldn’t tell you how many Lemmy communities I’ve blocked because they almost exclusively feature posts of images of stereotypically over-sexualized anime girls/women(/cyborgs/demons/etc).

    Ooh, I see there was a series DVD release of Mighty Orbots (1984). I have to rate that show as some kind of peak anime, being a lovely collaboration between Japanese and American studios.

  • Most of Creative’s AWE32 cards do use a real Yamaha OPL3 chip for FM synthesis, which can produce two-or-four operator voices. The latter of those can approach the quality of the voices in their DX7-family line of musical instruments. Even the older OPL2 chip that is limited to two-operator voices can sound great when programmed well (not that I’d call it realistic-sounding).

    The other synth chip on the AWE32 is the Ensoniq EMU8000. That one does sample-based synthesis as you describe above.

    Just wanted to note that Creative misappropriated the term wavetable synthesis when they marketed this and other sample-based synthesis cards of theirs, and the misnomer spread widely to the products of other companies and persists to this day.