tamagotchicowboy [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: December 30th, 2021

  • No. I trip and fall all the time myself, have since I was a very young child from my hoarder’s collection of diseases.

    Sometimes its neurological or the result of other diseases/medications, in my case its a very simple poor gait issue I didn’t get addressed until I fell down some stairs 3yrs ago and fucked up my leg. Most people walk heel to toe, I walked toe to heel, there’s a stability difference. Basically, I was a stealth toe walker. and nothing says no fun like learning how you’re supposed to walk in your 30s. Along with seeing a doctor about this before you fall and get super hurt like me I’d suggest checking out how you walk.

  • I just want to contribute to something larger than myself that has a long term beneficial effect for the most and ideally meets some interests. Even that, is asking for a whole lot I’ve found. I think being driven to continuous self growth and learning is a fine thing.

    When I was younger I played some MMO at a professional level for a short bit, I saw it more as consistent fun challenge and maybe some tangible RL money than actual standing. I like anonymity to a degree, but I realize the whole joker quote and people like to have some familiarity with strangers they encounter.

  • Going to xth the chorus of posts saying ‘omg masturbate’, that whole antifap shit is another method to control people using bourgeois morality. If you get rid of that urge before you won’t be so thirsty in your dreams.

    Anyway, like RL you have varying degrees of awareness and ability to act on autonomy in a LD, so don’t feel too bad when you sleep into a habit. It helps to have a list of non sexy things to do when you LD and incubate those before bed.

    Big spoiler for LDs, expectation is the law of dreams, you expect sex to mess up stability it will, a very common one is people thinking merely being excited about LDing will interfere with the LD. Even larger spoiler, no it won’t, manage your expectations and it will lead to better control. A more material hack is rubbing your hands or spinning helps with control, why, something about proprioception and pattern familiarity-expectation if I had to guess. If you ever figure out how to feel that you’re lying down sensation that makes a good reality check, one doesn’t walk around life with the sensations/pressures of lying on a bed. Makes me think of a video game glitch.