• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2023


  • You come up with an unusual opinion, people answer with counter arguments, and rather than explaining your position you come back with one liners that bring nothing to the discussion.

    Do you have an example where the downfall of a society was beneficial to its citizens? In the last thousand years? More than one, so we can see that it’s generally a good thing?

  • The fact that people don’t remember the vast amount of news reports on women accusing Trump shows exactly the limits of democracy.

    With all the sources we have these days, information is easy to find and is available from a lot of different perspectives. It’s easy to apply critical thinking by comparing different accounts of the same story. But still, people feel that forming an opinion is not their responsibility, and blame the media.

    Democracy only works when a majority of people take the time to think about their vote.

  • They have a conscience, they have empathy, it’s just that they only do for their friends, families or people in their social circles.

    Most people act like this. There are people working in terrible conditions in Bangladesh or China to create stuff the western countries buy at Walmart, forever 21, Amazon… Where’s the empathy for them? Where’s the empathy for the guy that lost his job 6 months ago and has been sleeping in a tent since, and only got 75 cents after 2 hours of panhandling?

    Individually, we can’t help everyone so we often look the other way. That doesn’t make us psychopaths.

    Furthermore, saying rich people have mental illness frames the problem as a psychological one when in reality it is a socio-economic problem that requires a political solution.

  • And the hell of it is that the ruling class is so far gone in corruption and shallow self-interest - so sincerely deeply mentally ill - that they don’t recognize that ultimately they’re working against their own interests

    I come across this sort of comment more and more - the fact that sociopath billionaires extending their influence to the political and judicial system are, in fact, mentally ill.

    Believe me, they’re not.

    They know very well what they are doing. It’s just that their wealth isolates them from the consequences of it. They don’t care about healthcare, climate change, education, unemployment, because that’s for the 95% to worry about. They are rich enough to don’t give a fuck, and they feel safe doing so.

  • La stratégie de la gauche, qui consiste à se poser comme la voix de la raison en réaction à l’extrémisme des partis de droite (qui réussissent très bien à canaliser la colère des électeurs) est une stratégie perdante. Les électeurs frustrés veulent le changement et ne croient plus au statu quo. Tant que la gauche hésite à adopter des politiques plus fortes, elle sera associée au passé; mais en politique il faut faire rêver à l’avenir.