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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 17th, 2024


  • Your vote signifies approval, I don’t understand why you would say otherwise. It means that you approve of what they do, it means that the democrats will boast about their results afterwards and tell us that people agree with us, EXACLTY like what this post does right here, crazy right?! Your vote means support. Regardless if it fits your narrative to say otherwise, that’s what it is.

    Obviously Trump is worse, I do have first hand experience of what it means to have your rights threatened by conservatives. But the point is that both of them threaten my freedom and my rights. Both are neoliberals, both are going directly against my interests. I’m not supporting someone who is beating me up, even if it’s a slightly lighter beat up. And for god’s sake, the consequences of the democrats are categorically not nuanced, it’s just sad to say this. You keep going back to ideological purity and to how I want to look smart, and it’s such a pathetic argument with all the criminal things the democrats and conservatives alike do. It only proves what I’ve been saying. That you don’t care enough for mass murders and that you are ok with where the world is going and with the oligarchs ruling you (If you are not ok with this route we are taking, you don’t show your approval by voting, isn’t it insane?!). Purity refers to people fighting over small differences, the differences in worldview I’ve been describing literally can’t get ang bigger. It’s like saying we will go to the opposite direction of what you want and if you say no, we will take one extra right off of you, the answer is no to both, as much as it hurts you.

    You obviously don’t care to understand me, so my last attempt is with the simplest reasoning: In a bipartisanship, there is always a point when the differences between the two parties are so little that even you would quit from voting - suppose the only difference was that one party taxes the rich 1% less and both do everything else terrible and the same. You wouldn’t vote for them then would you? If yes, think that the 1% becomes .5%, .25% etc. There will be a point when even you would quit, because the differences are too slim. Now if you zoom out a bit, see the whole picture, how they oppress the people, how they destroy the environment, gentrify cities, impoverish and overwork people, bomb other nations, boost the profits of the oligarchs off of people etc etc, you should be able to understand that the point I was talking about is long passed (from the beginning both parties were awful, I don’t imply that there was a point in time when either was good).

    So yes I take my vote or my non-voting or my third party voting very seriously, even if you don’t like it and try to diminish it by saying I’m emotional about it(as if I didn’t talk about facts and my material situation and how they work against me). I hope you never succeed in persuading anyone to vote for your genocidal freaks that, with the help of the mainstream media you pay and get paid by, make the dystopia we are living the ““sensible”” choice and the good scenario. Have a good day👍

  • If electoral politics can’t advance the causes we care about we abstain. I’m surprised I have to say this.

    I’m not giving my vote and my permission to anyone that goes against my interests - they are literally the elites that profit off of the people, the environment and entire foreign nations. Can you get that to your head? I really don’t think it’s this hard, but you probably don’t want to understand. You know what they say, you can’t make someone understand something when it’s in their interest not to understand it.

    This scaremongering is how the elites can maintain power, no matter who wins, the oligarchy will keep ruling us, I’m done with this game. You can do whatever you like, I vote for someone who represents me and my interests to an adequate degree(if there is one), I’m not giving the ok with my vote to any neoliberal freak, regardless if they make things a lot worse or if they make things even worse than that, because that’s where we are at. I don’t know how else to explain it. If your choices are that you’ll get beat up or that you’ll get beat up even more, I’m choosing not to answer and to resist lol.

  • sweetpotato@lemmy.mltoProgressive Politics@lemmy.world70%
    10 days ago

    Controversial support for Israel? The fact that you think there’s any moderation in support for Israel is the problem. The fact that you think the democrats care even remotely for climate change and that they do something about it, besides for show, is the problem.

    I don’t care to look smart, I don’t care if I’m smart, I care about my interests. And my interests are not with people who don’t touch billionaires, fund wars and privatise the air I breathe. It’s ok if you don’t care enough, not everyone has the same interests - because our difference is not about who wants to look smart, but who takes the issues I’m talking about seriously enough - who cares enough and who has been impacted the most to understand the consequences of neoliberal politics.

    The problem isn’t that there isn’t a lesser evil, of course there is one, one has to be less evil if the two are not the same. But rather that the lesser evil is too evil.

  • sweetpotato@lemmy.mltoProgressive Politics@lemmy.world70%
    10 days ago

    If you had won the competition of ideas, voters would turn up lol.

    The problem is that both of you are two sides of the same coin. One with the carrot and one with the stick. Your differences are simply not big enough and the positive things you promise are simply too little compared to the damage you do to everyone to be frightened by this stupid lesser evil rhetoric.

    I’ll vote for someone who has an even remotely adequate program for the people’s demands. Have a good one👍

  • I don’t really think you can say for sure who has a better team and whatnot. That’s an assumption and besides, Trump has proved that he knows exactly what he is doing with how consistently reactionary and neoliberal his term was. This pretty much shows that the decisions most of the time are not made by him, nor by any “team” he builds, but by the interests behind the conservative party. Likewise for Biden.

    I don’t want to sound like I’m defending Trump, I hate Trump and anything conservative/right wing with all my heart. I just want people to realize that when all that’s left to talk about in public discourse is the mental capacity of the individual candidates and their criminal records, it is a sign of the narrowness of political differences of the parties, of absence of any important political point of confrontation. They have and historically had the same direction and interests with few differences on social issues that don’t interfere with their interests. At some point people have to realize both parties are so similar and distant from any actual pressing problem in the world (genocide, climate change, billionaires) that the lesser evil doesn’t hold up anymore - in every situation there is always a level of evilness that the lesser evil doesn’t hold up when reached by both.

  • sweetpotato@lemmy.mltoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldI am sick of old men.
    14 days ago

    Even though I’ll never vote for either of these genocidal neoliberal freaks, they are not the same. Saying one is bad because he is old is not an acceptable justification and it is ageism. The problem with Biden (regardless of his and his party’s political orientation) is the fact that he is simply unsuitable for the job, he clearly doesn’t have the mental and physical capacity for it. Trump on the other side (even though he’s a fascist and regardless of the insane shit he says) is fine. He has the strength and mental clarity for the job. So don’t compare Trump and Biden on this front, Trump can function just fine.

  • My issue with nuclear energy isn’t that it’s dangerous or that it’s inherently bad. The world needs a stable source of energy that compensates for wind and solar fluctuations anyways. For the current realistic alternatives that’s either going to be nuclear or coal/oil/natural gas. We have nothing else for this purpose, end of discussion.

    My problem is the assumption underlying this discussion about nuclear energy that it somehow will solve all of our problems or that it will somehow allow us to continue doing business as usual. That’s categorically not the case. The climate crisis has multiple fronts that need to be dealt with and the emissions is just one of them. Even if we somehow managed to find the funds and resources to replace all non renewable energy with nuclear, we would still have solved just 10% of the problem, and considering that this cheap new energy will allow us to increase our activities and interventions in the planet, the situation will only worsen.

    Nuclear energy is of course useful, but it’s not the answer. Never has technology been the answer for a social and political issue. We can’t “science and invent” our way out of this, it’s not about the tech, it’s about who decides how it will be used, who will profit from it, who and how much will be affected by it etc. If you want to advocate for a way to deal with the climate crisis you have to propose a complete social and political plan that will obviously include available technologies, so stop focusing on technologies and start focusing on society and who takes the decisions.

    One simple example would be the following: no matter how green your energy is, if the trend in the US is to have increasingly bigger cars and no public transport, then the energy demands will always increase and no matter how many nuclear plants you build, they will only serve as an additional source and not as a replacement. So no matter how many plants you build, the climate will only deteriorate.

    This is literally how the people in charge have decided it will work. Any new developing energy source that is invented serves only to increase the consumption, not to replace previous technologies. That’s the case with solar and wind as well. So all of this discussion you all make about nuclear Vs oil or whatever is literally irrelevant. The problem is social and political, not technological.

  • This is such a disappointing take honestly. Using A and B parties to make your argument sound more logical than it is. The Democrats have not in any shape or form regretted their actions, nor are they denouncing Israel and Netanyahu, Biden made his unwavering support for them abundantly clear after the ICC arrest warrant for him.

    By my own definition voting C is definitely not an evil act, what kind of twisted logic is this? I don’t want to vote for a party that fully supports a genocide and has done nothing to reverse republican, neoliberal policies. I’m voting for someone that I believe will fix things and I think everyone should do the same if we want to see change at some point.

    Like I’ve already said about the poopcake and shit sandwich and the lesser of two evils(you kind of say it yourself), at some point, both parties are so indistinguishable and so very far away from any ideal and vision that I have for the world, that my conscience doesn’t allow me to vote for them. Both are genocidal, both are neoliberal, dismantling the welfare state and increasing exponentially the profits of the 1%. If you vote for the lesser evil, it just means that you think one is at least a little bit satisfactory, to which I couldn’t be more opposed.

    Why should I keep to myself my opinions on voting? Do you not like other people expressing their opinions and throwing shade on your beloved democrats? Why shouldn’t more people realize that both are extremely evil and bad and shouldn’t be supported? I am not mad because I don’t have a strategy, I am mad that people still support people committing and funding genocides first and foremost. I don’t get mad at your kindergarten logic that is the first thing that pops to anyone’s mind when they realize that maybe they shouldn’t vote blue. Why should you try to help others and not me? I’m not confused or mad, I know very well what I am doing.

    Btw I explicitly said I am voting based on my beliefs and ideology and you try to reduce my criteria as “feelings”, as if anyone’s voting and beliefs are somehow detached from feelings or that I don’t use logic. Imagine thinking that supporting ideas and values you’ve extensively and carefully talked, read and thought about for years is somehow inferior to your highly sophisticated: blue no matter who.

    I’ll say it once again to make it clear: our difference is very simply that you are satisfied with the Democrats in power, while I am not. Any problems that arise are just not a deal-breaker to you, while they very much are to me.

  • Bro really called purists people who are not ok with the biggest humanitarian crisis of the 21st century.

    Not to mention how he hasn’t fixed any internal problems, he just didn’t make things a lot worse, which is a pretty low bar to begin with.

    Like in this case, we are fucking light years away from anything even remotely close to saving the environment and reversing the damage we have done, yet we have to applaud this party for not making things even worse? Like, have you seen what environmental scientists say about the situation we are in?

  • This support for fascism just shows how bad things are in the world and how there’s no hope.

    It’s a logical reaction and I can understand it. I think having multiple imperialism poles is better than having one global imperialist power controlling everything. Of course this world situation is a far cry from anything even remotely desirable, but I’d still be more satisfied with a US loss against China, Russia, Iran etc than from a US win against them. An oligopoly is better than a monopoly.

    Unfortunately we are stuck in the very unfortunate situation where the only viable alternatives are all fascists. I can understand the sentiment of supporting an opponent of the empire you are in, but people need to stop seriously supporting any empires.

  • This is such childish logic lol. Why do you explain the most obvious argument ever to me? Do you think this hasn’t crossed my mind? It’s what every democrat voter says. It’s in fact the only argument in favour of the democrats I’ve been hearing for this election.

    The truth however is that there comes a point when the lesser evil becomes evil. Just because party A is more evil, doesn’t take away from the fact that B is evil as well. It sucks to admit this, doesn’t it? So there are only two alternatives for this one. You either think that the biggest genocide and humanitarian crisis of the 21st century - for which they are as much responsible as Israel is - has been handled even remotely adequately by the Democrats or you don’t think it’s such a big deal to begin with. So which is it?

    Do you have a conscience? Do you want to make them realize their atrocious actions have consequences? Or will you give them the vote that says I’m still ok with what you do? I don’t care about strategies, my votes are only based on my beliefs and who matches them the most.