• 17 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 9th, 2023


  • Exactly, it is going to be awful if Trump wins but the social contract has been so thoroughly broken by austerity politics and democrats who campaign on how shitty republicans are (they are) and then don’t do shit when they get into power that I don’t think there is anything to save really if Biden refuses to step down and looses the election. The collapse was inevitable in the US, the Democratic Party would have kept only allowing older and more conservative politicians to effectively access the nomination until this very thing happened and the rest of the centrist Democratic Party would be too concerned with careerism to be the one to pull the fire alarm before it was too late.

    I hate to say it, but I don’t see the point in voting for Biden if he refuses to budge on fucking virtually anything, we are going down with the ship and the sooner the Democratic Party collapses in a heap the sooner we can actually build something productive here.

    A lot of people are going to suffer, but it isn’t the voters who aren’t convinced by Biden’s fault, it is the democratic parties fault for not giving us any choice but Biden type politicians and then expecting us to keep dealing with it indefinitely. Whenever progressives start to bring up concerns centrists just scream in our faces “NOW IS NOT THE TIME YOU ARE SO SELFISH” and guess what now it is wayyyyy to late for progressives to have any control or ability to save this, centrist democrats let republicans send this country off a cliff because they were too busy shaming progressives for yelling about how we were about to drive off a cliff.

    We are off the cliff, sorry to all the Biden fans and centrists that have always treated me condescendingly like my views were unrealistic or naive, but y’all never listened to us and treated us like children and now we are locked into this ride. It’s your fault, not mine.

  • supersquirrel@sopuli.xyztoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldContext
    13 days ago

    The data, conducted before news that Iran launched a retaliatory strike against Israel on Saturday, suggests that the conventional wisdom that U.S. presidents must be in lockstep with Israel could be wrong, at least in the current moment. Biden had been extremely reluctant to show daylight between his government and that of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

    Did you even read the article?


    Biden’s approval rating for his handling of the situation in the Middle East, at 27%, is his lowest among five issues tested in the survey. This is because far fewer Democrats (47%) approve of how he is handling the situation between the Israelis and Palestinians than approve of his handling of the economy, the environment, energy policy and foreign affairs, broadly. On those issues, no less than 66% of Democrats approve of Biden.

    Only further contributing to Biden’s low rating on the Middle East situation, just 21% of independents and 16% of Republicans approve of his performance on the issue.




    “It’s clear that Palestine is a critical issue in key battleground states,” said Ayah Ziyadeh, director of advocacy for AJP-Action, in a statement. “It’s not a passing protest effort that the Democratic Party can continue to ignore; people want an end to this war and a key margin of them will vote that way. But Biden can win over votes with a serious change in policy.”

    Specifically, the pollsters found that across the five key states, about 40% of potential Biden voters disapprove of the president’s handling of the war—and 1 in 5 of all surveyed are less likely to vote for him because of it.

    The polling has ONLY gotten worse, plus a lot of the reasons USians voted for Biden was voters wanted a return to normalcy and trust with the international community (i.e. everyone knows Trump is a clown) and Biden’s unwavering support for the Palestinian genocide has appalling destroyed any semblance of Biden being a vehicle for that.

    Do you want me to go on or would you prefer to quietly exit this argument and save as much face as possible here?

  • The anti-woke crowd would have you believe that all new media has politics in it, which is an absolutely ridiculous claim.

    I think you have this turned around, it is the woke crowd that asserts art is inherently political, it is progressive and “woke” movements like feminism that have had to do a massive amount of work to even frame women’s issues with regards to domestic sexism as political (the women is just expected to do dishes, laundry and clean the house by their husband). It is a long and uphill battle to destabilize the status quo and allow a more honest conversation about the ways in which everything we do has political implications. The many who will defend the status quo will use any rational that fits conveniently but one of the most very common delaying rhetorical strategies they use is to claim what is considered political and what isn’t considered political in society is something that can be expressed in precise and absolute terms, in a sense this line is an expression of logic or laws of nature and the status quo just so happens to dovetail perfectly with that narrative. In reality the line between “political” and “non-political” is nonsense, you are simply referencing where the arbitrary ever shifting battle lines between the oppressed and the oppressors fall at a particular moment.

    The work of resistance is developing a salient understanding of this, and it seems you are preceding in the opposite direction which isn’t going to lead you anywhere but yelling at people about how things you think are innocent they think are political and unfortunately if you continue you will have destroyed your intuitive ability to suss out the difference between the two, and you will have reached a point where you stop listening to people who are suffering.

    Everything is political, the problem with snowflake conservatives is they use that fact to take “monsters” like normal awesome trans teens who just want to love and be loved and rationalize their hatred of them over them because they dared to challenge a stupid arbitrary status quo.

  • I mean… as much as it’s dumb, everyone has a right to make a list and review games how they wish, right? Some gamers don’t like loot boxes, others don’t like [checks notes] DEI or PoC in games. Better those people don’t buy a game and end up toxic elements in the gamespace, right?

    Making crystal clear to people like this like they are not even remotely welcome in your community after they let it slide that they have hateful vile opinions is the only solution. Everything else offloads the pain and suffering onto the victims in favor of not doing shit to actually kick those toxic people out of any respectable place that they can make their tiny pathetic voices of anti-trans, racist and sexist tirades of insecurity rise above a cacophony of shame and insults thrown back at them.

    Throw eggs, shame these people, and though we can’t make them go away, after all we define ourselves on our desire not to wish harm or erase groups of people, there is no conflict here, these people have always been here and will always be here, the question is how afraid they are to let their disgusting hate hang out in daylight at any particular time. Bigots are cowards and they will fall in line as they always do when they realize the crosshairs are beginning to turn back around onto them, our job is clear.

    Basically the correct play here is to force bigots to be closeted bigots, make them deal with what LGBTQ+ people have endured, see how their fragile snowflake personalities shatter on the tiniest bit of friction and pushback from someone who isn’t afraid of them.

    Aka, let’s just have a nice time without them ok :)

  • On the M4A topic, it’s crazy to me how its supporters have managed to ally themselves with the private healthcare lobby in opposing a competitive public option. If Medicare is more efficient than profit-driven insurance, as we all suspect, then forcing private insurance to compete with it puts us on a direct path to a single-payer system. Pete is a democratic capitalist - it shouldn’t be a surprise that his version of M4A uses the system in place to get us there. If Bernie amended his bill to include a 15-year transition plan I doubt anyone would accuse him of flip-flopping.

    The difference between Bernie and Pete is Bernie has proven he won’t flip flop like Obama, Bernie has proven he acts according to a genuinely socialist vision. Pete is just another milquetoast status quo manager who knows what coat of paint looks fresh and cool this season and adopts his policy stances to match that. Bernie is literally the polar opposite of that.

  • supersquirrel@sopuli.xyztoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldContext
    15 days ago

    edit I want to respond to this before I get into the rest of my takedown of your willful nonsense.

    He could call him up and tell him the US was cutting off support, but that wouldn’t end it immediately. It would also be a major cost to him politically, because a lot of democratic donors are rich jews who believe in the Zionist project.

    This is precisely what is so insane about the centrist and conservative chokehold on the us media and conversation around this, Biden’s policy on facilitating the Israeli genocide of Palestinians is incredibly unpopular with voters, it isn’t even close.

    Biden’s failure to even slightly reign in the genocide of Palestinians or convince anybody but mindless supporters of rightwing Israeli politics that he actually cares about the slaughter of children and innocent people and the erasure of their history from the land is an unmitigated catastrophe for his electability and has already resulted in several high profile resignations from his cabinet specifically over the heinousness of his lack of caring and action.

    edit ok back to your regularly scheduled basic geopolitical education


    Are you kidding? It doesn’t even matter how many bombs, missiles, artillery shells and bullets the IDF possesses and how long that could theoretically repel wave after wave of invaders.

    Strategically there isn’t even a fight if the US withdraws support from Israel, it is no longer a question of tactics and military strategy, it is a question of politics and how states are and are not allowed to engage in warfare by the larger power structures that control the geopolitics and flow of basic human resources that facilitates the possibility of organized warfare in the first place.

    Your argument is not only nonsense, if anything Israel has just become equivalent to a North Korea on the world stage, they are if anything worse, they are a pariah state that commits genocide openly, without the US they have almost zero allies and certainly none powerful enough to protect them from the consequences of slaughtering Palestinians en masse and taunting the rest of the Middle East (and really anybody in the world with fire in their heart) to do something about it.

    In committing a genocide of Palestinians, Israel has irrevocably ensured it cannot survive as a state within the Middle East without EVEN MORE direct military support (both in terms of strategy and materials) from the US. All Biden has to do, literally all he has to do, is make Netanyahu shit his pants by unpredictably withdrawing key support and looking Netanyahu in the eyes until he blinks. A high schooler would intuitively know what to do here, the best strategy is very obvious here, I cannot emphasize this enough, Biden is either a coward or he genuinely is ok with the genocide of +60,000 innocent Palestinians if it dovetails with his worldview and political strategy.

    Either is enough to be a red line for me in terms of voting for Biden, Biden is directly complicit in the intentional and pre-meditated genocide of tens of thousands of Palestinians, Biden absolutely deserves the nickname “Genocide Joe” thrown in his face like a shoe or a thick ball of spit. It is a small price to pay for standing by and doing nothing as both the commander and chief of the most powerful military on earth and the head of state of the direct overseeing geopolitical power of the regime committing the genocide.

    Biden could have seen this coming for literally years, so could anyone else if they were paying attention, this was always the end goal of the IDF and Netanyahu. A purposefully unsustainable and inhumanely cruel situation was set up by Israel to ensure eventually a rationale would arise that would justify killing every single damn Palestinian and stealing all of their land.

    Don’t want to take my word for it? Just look up official quotes on record AND live cable news tv from IDF spokespeople specifically chosen to speak on the topic to the public.

    If Biden wants my vote he can get it, call up Netanyahu have a quick “talk” a.k.a. a direct no-bullshit threat, and the status quo will change so fast it will make the media pass out and feint in confusion from the “carefully” constructed narrative of all their unreflective warmongering support and positive spin on the genocide of innocent Palestinians collapsing into a sinkhole of hateful bullshit.