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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 25th, 2024


  • How important is heart rate zone for training? I’ve been told to stay in zone 2 for weight loss due to still having another 30 or so pounds to lose. I have a heart rate monitor which talks to the treadmills at my gym, which have the ability to vary my speed a bit based on whether I’m above or below the target heart rate (zone 2 midpoint is 116 for me).

    For the last couple months I’ve been doing two cardio sessions per week of 45 minutes each. I don’t cover the exact same distance each time but it’s consistently in the 2.95 - 3.05 mile range. That works out to a brisk walking pace most of the time.

    If I aim for zone 3 instead so that I’m actually trotting instead of brisk walking, does that mean I no longer get weight loss benefit? I’m reluctant to pay for a consult with the trainers at my gym as they all seem to focus only on strength training, so I’m hoping maybe someone in the hive mind has some insight.

  • Sci fi set in contemporary times on Earth. A spaceship from another dimension accidentally enters a freak wormhole and gets dumped off in our universe. Only a single human survived on the ship, augmented by some super fancy AI (that actually works reliably unlike what we have access to nowadays). Captain isn’t able to maintain orbit but is able to land out in the middle of the south Pacific. Captain & AI have no way to return to their home universe or even send a message.

    Ship contains a lot of advanced technology. Captain knows the theory of it all but doesn’t know the details. Ship’s AI has schematics for everything on board but not for everything in the civilization they left - only the most commonly used parts.

    Ship contains a perfectly efficient recycler and replicator, but it’s limited by speed and by internal volume of the replicator.

    Ship has a medbay capable of treating any known disease or injury, but there are only four pods (normal crew size only needs four), and treating something severe like a heart attack or cancer requires a full week non-stop.

    Ship isn’t designed for combat or passenger service, but is instead a giant mining ship equipped with tractor beams to facilitate harvesting ore in space. It’s about the size of a giant ore carrier from Earth, and does have some rudimentary point defense weapons to defend against space pirates.

    Ship has some problems that make it temporarily not-spaceworthy, and may or may not be able to find all the raw materials it needs to repair itself for more spaceflight. It is however perfectly capable of atmospheric flight operations.

    How does the captain interact with us? Is the ship able to find enough stuff to repair itself? Does the captain decide to trade favors for supplies that can’t be synthesized? Or does the captain spiral into a pit of despair at being irrevocably separated from their home?

    In case you’re wondering, yes I do as a matter of fact enjoy tech uplift stories.