• 46 Posts
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月14日


  • Are you done repeating your npc lines?

    What you seem to understand but refuse to accept is that Israel is a settler colonial state commiting genocide and ethnic cleansing on the Palestinian people. In fact Israel’s whole foundation was an illegitimate state being created by ethnically cleansing the local population.

    Hamas( qassam brigades) is a legitimate armed resistance against an occupier ( Israel). In fact, according to international law, Hamas has more legitimacy defending themselves against Israel than Israel does to “defend” itself from the people they are occupying.

    Israel has been the colonial occupier for 75 years. Ever since then they’ve been conducting terror campaigns of ethnic cleansing against Palestinians. And now their genocidal intentions are plain for even the most unwilling to see.

    So when someone says death to Israel, they mean death to the settler colonial genocidal state of Israel. So saying that absolutely does make sense. And hopefully from that will come a single secular state where the Palestinians can live as equals with israelis, and not be treated as subhuman slaves.

    So I’m telling you all of this to hopfully spark some awareness in you, if not now then maybe sometime you’ll think back on this. But i know you’ll probably just continue trolling. One can only hope for the best.

  • Will definitely have a look at those content creators. I usually donate locally, but I’ll have a look.

    Talking about the Israeli propaganda machine; in South Africa you have the South African Jewish Board of Deputies. An absolutely disgusting openly pro zionist and israeli organisation. They’re super rich so they always try to influence law or policy so that anything pro palestinian isn’t heard and that pro israeli messages must remain loud and clear.

    They lobby the national government, but especially the DA led Western Cape government the way that people describe the US lobbies do to the US government.

    Some people in Cape Town had the back of their houses facing the main roads and highways. So these residents decided to paint the Palestinian flag on those parts of their houses to show support.

    The DA government promptly sent police and public works councellors to force the residents to paint over the flag. Which was absolutely illegal of the government to do because it was private property. But because these people weren’t that well off they couldn’t fight back because law enforcement was there as well.

  • Israel believes that they can act with total impunity without consequences.

    And they will be right in that assessment, as long as the US and all the other ‘first world’ nations keeps on sending them resources, blocking international laws from holding Israel to account, deflect attention away from the unfolding genocide Israel is commiting, attack institutions like UNRWA and countries like South Africa that are trying to help the Palestinians.

    So as you can see, everytime Israel escalates it’s genocide against the Palestinians you won’t hear a peep from these countries. You might a hear a token “Israel should defend itself within the law” while Israel is busy trampling on the latest international laws with their latest atrocities.