• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • So many people just can’t understand this. In dense city streets your journey times are usually decided by how long you spend waiting in queues and barely affected at all by your top speed. Which is why you can get around a city by bike faster than by car, even though few transportation riders cruise at much more than ~16mph/25kph on the flat.

    I used to think that people just hadn’t thought this through and realized it, but I’ve had a few online discussions where it’s clear some people are just flat out incapable of understanding that when there’s congestion, speeding to a traffic queue most often just means a longer wait in the queue, not a shorter journey time.

  • sping@lemmy.sdf.orgtoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlEDitor wars
    2 days ago

    it always entertains me when a vim aficionado regurgitates the “just missing a good editor” joke, given that one of the editors Emacs offers is a pretty comprehensive clone of vim.

    (personally, I never had any problem with the default editor when I migrated to it from vi, though I was using a keyboard that already had ctrl next to a.)

  • Pretty much unrelated AFAIK. At least in the setup I have it does mean that various hooks you may have set up may have to be tweaked. e.g. I had things on python-mode-hook but now I have to use python-ts-mode-hook.

    For me it was

    • install tree-sitter (sudo apt install lib-tree-sitter-dev)
    • build Emacs with tree-sitter
    • configure tree-sitter with the snippet below
    • mess with some config/hooks because my prog modes are now different

    Some setups seem to make <lang>-ts-mode somehow aliased to <lang>-mode, and I don’t know if that makes the hook issue automatically resolved (?). Apart from that, treesit-auto seemed to be a low-friction way to get a setup:

    My config:

    (use-package treesit-auto
      (treesit-auto-install 'prompt)
      (treesit-font-lock-level 4)
      (treesit-auto-add-to-auto-mode-alist 'all)

    Edit: and I can confirm that treesitter does fix your specific problem, unsurprisingly.

  • I came from vi, and use Emacs keys. This was quite some time ago so there weren’t hoards of people telling me modal was superior and I should miss it, so I didn’t. I don’t think anything about it is more “kinda weird” than vi modal editing - just unfamiliar (as vi/vim once was), especially if you’re not familiar with standard readline cursor control as also used in OS X.

    we can’t even vi" or ci" in emacs

    You should perhaps explain what this is and why it’s essential. Funny to complain that you need a package for multiple cursors; people more often complain there’s too much built into Emacs by default. It’s easy to add though.

    The long and the short of it is, if you persist in trying to use familiar vim workflows in Emacs, you’re swimming against the tide. More productive is to try to use Emacs in its own terms. Many vim->Emacs people persistently get hung up on basically “I find it awkward to use this vim workflow in Emacs”, and of course they do. It’s equally awkward to try to use Emacs workflows in vim.

  • While this sounds superior in most respects to the popcorn popper roasting I have done, I can’t say it sounds a compelling step up for the expense. I periodically wonder about getting a roaster but I think it’s going to take more benefits to finally tempt me.

    The popcorn is crude but simple and trouble free. I’ve convinced myself to actually appreciate a few minutes outside gently shaking it while looking at the trees. Perhaps I can fit variable control and get a temp probe and get a bit more sophisticated but retain the cheap simplicity.

  • Sorry it’s not a very direct answer but this is one of the many things that make Emacs such a comfortable environment once you’re used to it, which takes … a while.

    There is a man command and then of course it’s just more text displayed so you can search and narrow and highlight etc. in the same way you do with any other text. Plus of course there are a few trivial bonuses like links to other man pages being clickable.

    It’s all text and Emacs is a text manipulation framework (that naturally includes some editors).

  • Seems very much personal taste, that spans a wide range these days.

    On suggestions from YouTube I tried 20+g coarse with low volume and temperature based on competition winning recipes and hated it. No body, thin and unsatisfying.

    So I’m back to 12-15g medium, inverted, add some 90-95C water and stir out the fizz, then up to 180g water or so. Heavy repeated agitation early on, after maybe 60s uninvert for a gentle plunge. Usually dilute a little with some cold, drink black.

    I checked the brew temp and full boil gives 96C in the press. I often do 200F 93C on the kettle for about 90 in the press. Sometimes I just boil and add a splash of cold.

    My beans are medium roast - city+, no oiliness. I like pretty trad rich coffee and hate thin acidic tea like brews. Tea makes better tea than coffee does IMO. But I also hate acrid flat bitterness of dark roasts.