smokeppb [he/him]

  • 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • AP News - Trinidad and Tobago reckons with colonialism in a debate on statues, signs and monuments of its past

    So Trinidad and Tobago held an open podium style town hall on what to do with remaining colonialist/imperialist statues, symbols, etc. Things like a Christopher Columbus status and the coat-of-arms. It took 62 years post independence to make it happen but I guess it’s happening now? Why not earlier is what I want to know.

    Some suggested a prominent Columbus statue be placed in a museum. Others requested it be destroyed and that people be allowed to stomp on the dusty remains. One man encouraged officials to round up statues of colonial figures and create a “square of the infamous.”


    The public hearing was held just a week after the government announced it would redraw the nation’s coat of arms to remove Christopher Columbus’ three famous ships — the Pinta, the Niña and the Santa María – and replace it with the steelpan, a popular percussion instrument that originated in the Caribbean nation.

    Hell yeah now we’re talking.

    Others pushed for further changes on Wednesday night.

    “What the hell is the queen still doing on top of the coat of arms? Please let us put her to rest,” said Eric Lewis, who identifies as a member of the First Peoples, also known as Amerindians.

    Looking at all the countries with the union jack on there for no reason other than they were colonized once by the brits. I think only Hawaii gets a pass since it’s there to snub the USA. Put it to rest! peppino-angry

    “We stumbling and tripping over heroes,” he said. “To have produced so much genius, and that lineage is nowhere present in the landscape.”

    Among the suggestions of people to honor was Nobel Prize-winning author V.S. Naipaul; Cyril Lionel Robert James, a historian and journalist; and Kwame Ture, who helped spearhead the Black Power movement in the U.S. Others suggested that prominent Amerindians and more local women be honored, including Patricia Bishop, an educator and musician and Beryl McBurnie, a teacher credited with promoting and saving Caribbean dance.

  • Rybar’s take on the UK “slipping into totalitarianism” regarding perceived heavy handedness of the law on the race rioters.

    cw: racism, xenophobia, veiled threats

    🇬🇧 Meanwhile, Great Britain is sinking deeper into totalitarian dictatorship.

    As @oldGBR reports, the first guilty verdicts were recently handed down there “for posting information on the Internet related to a violation of public order.”

    ➖Jordan Parlour , 28, was jailed for 1 year and 7 months for a Facebook post about an attack on a hotel where refugees were staying. The court assessed his actions as " using threatening words or behaviour with the purpose of inciting racial hatred."

    ➖ 30-year-old Jordana Plain went to prison for 8 months for impersonating a monkey in front of black and Asian people.

    ➖Tyler Kay, 26, received three years and two months for a Twitter post in which he allegedly incited the burning of a hotel housing migrants.

    The number of people arrested in connection with the unrest that erupted after the murder of three girls in Southport has now approached 800. a third of them have already been charged, including To a 13 year old boy .

    In just one year, more than 3,300 people have been convicted due to memes and posts on social networks.

    🔻Overall, the extraordinary tough measures taken by the British authorities have borne fruit. Many protest organizers and their supporters were detained in order to intimidate society as much as possible, so new demonstrations became much smaller. At the same time, the media launched a large-scale campaign to popularize counter-protests paid for by the authorities, advocating for migrants and LGBT, so that the voice of dissatisfaction would be completely drowned out by the propaganda of left-liberals.

    Against this background, legislative measures are being tightened, untying the hands of the police to persecute the dissatisfied. Any “insult” or “hostility” that anyone can see towards any class of the population is now a very good reason to put a person in jail for a decent term. This attitude towards native Britons is in sharp contrast to the demonstrative loyalty of law enforcement officers to migrants who “raped because they did not know that rape was not allowed.”

    In such a situation, it is only a matter of time before another “Southport massacre” occurs, which will lead to a new explosion of public discontent. #Великобритания #протесты @rybar

    Just LOL. Rybar will just ignore the years of propaganda that told UK citizens that there are migrants arriving on boats that bring all the crime and focus on the one week where the media had to turn it back or else they would be implicated in the proceedings. Nothing to see there I’m sure.

    england-cool for their part is doing the right thing too late. Where were these arrests when Nigel Farage were making veiled threats at immigrants? The Sun has done more incitement than any FB post ever has.