• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023

  • 9am-9pm, 6 days a week.

    I’m a 10am-4pm, 4 days a week kind of person myself, however.

    It’s the same bullshit pushed by anyone exploiting labor for their own gain.

    Ultimately, you can’t blame predatory psychopaths for being predatory psychopaths. You can only blame those who let them get away with it.

    And that’s all of us :)

    (Oh and when I say let them get away with it, I mean: celebrate them, make them into statues, teach all of our children that only money and power matters and do whatever it takes to become just like them, in exchange for all humanity and dignity we could have had instead)

  • Same boat club.

    Honestly I’ve reached the point that I hope climate change, that’s presently accelerating, fucks our species shit up to the core and forces our species to start again, because existing like this, subsisting for a tiny group of proud monsters that see us as livestock in perpetuity, sounds like most people will be born into damnation going forward, and as much pain as civilization level collapse would be, it pales in comparison to this system persisting and finding new cruelties to profit from for generations.

    Human civilization in its current form seems to exist to find new efficiencies with which to torture most of humanity. Maybe we’d be better off knocked back to depending on one another in smaller groups. Maybe we’d find empathy again. Maybe our planet could start to recover from our damage

    Yeah, you’re not alone. I’ve basically become an anti-natalist. I don’t think the ruling / owning class will budge unless their lives are affected. And that won’t happen until there’s no more slaves to support their insane lifestyles.

  • It’s all the same shit. The patterns are so simplistic and easy to identify. That is what made me lose hope. There are just enough people desperate to blindly follow a leader, any leader, that we, as humanity, will never make progress. I don’t understand how, evolutionarily, it made sense to make a democratically significant amount of people incapable of individual thought, but this is how it has transpired and that will be the end of us.

  • I don’t think he thought along lines of good or bad or evil at all. He noticed that he had a knack for firing people up, first in conversations, then in speeches, etc. Like any power hungry ego maniac he simply kept doing it and kept succeeding through an endless string of insanely unlikely circumstances. I’d bet a good 30% of the population would follow the exact same path, given those circumstances / opportunities.

    He wanted infinite power, because he was likely infinitely afraid of the world. He never once thought about what’s good or bad. He only thought about how to get more power and how to maintain it. The inevitable conclusion to that game is always world domination with a bunch of genocide mixed in. You can see the patterns arising everywhere at the moment.

  • I’ve always drawn the dividing line between people who have to work and people who choose to work. The latter can spend every waking moment of their lives ensuring that the former never, ever become one of them. And it sure looks they are succeeding. If the survival of mankind hinges on rich people willingly giving up ANY of their wealth at all, then mankind will perish. To a rich person, giving up wealth is no different than someone suggesting to you that they need to cut your nose, ears and limbs off to save humanity. You’d say no to that as well. In fact, you’d do anything to avoid this scenario. And while you’re slaving away for a minimum wage that should be $25, and quibble over trans rights, the rich laugh into their fists, watching as you still don’t seem to have realised that the bargaining power would be in your hands if you could just unite for a fucking second.

  • This person titles their book “do not move to Canada”, then immediately goes on to say that the book isn’t about telling you not to move to Canada, but about the problems he had living there.

    The first two available chapters of the book are full of grammatical and spelling mistakes…fine, the author is russian, but how about having someone proof read the book first?

    It’s 9.99 but the author states it can be read in one to two hours. That price is bonkers. Supposedly YouTube comments by people claiming to have made the same or similar experiences are why reading the book is worth it.

    There is an overarching message here, which I can agree with: never romanticise another country as some utopian paradise. It’s highly unlikely that such a place even exists. The world is a neoliberal, capitalist hellscape, where some places suck ever so slightly less because rich people have been somewhat reigned in by the rule of law, but the differences between countries are minor at best.

    Just do your own research, for free.