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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: February 28th, 2024


  • they just copied IRC without understanding why it was that way

    I believe it was clearly inspired fully by Slack, rather than IRC. I don’t think there was anything they copied from IRC specifically, and nobody in their target audience (gamers) was using IRC at the time discord blew up, so I don’t think that was their intention

    But I agree it is a silly use of the word “server” to refer to groups of channels. Internally Discord actually calls them guilds. Server might also be gaming lingo they were targeting (so people would think of joining a Discord server as akin to joining e.g. a Minecraft server)

    I actually like the top-level server structure. A community has user roles which control access to certain channels, the permissions can be either channel-specific or server-wide, and the roles are hierarchal with permission overrides specific to users. It makes it possible to have public chats with tens of thousands of users not be overcrowded, and have content organized into different spaces (memes, media, help/support, general, etc.) which just couldn’t be done on Skype, which was all people in this demographic were using at the time. And the idea of hierarchal management of permissions and roles allowed moderation of large communities, so everybody moved due to convenience.

  • I’m new to lemmy, so I could be missing some context, but you arent making a very good pitch with this post. Java is a downgrade from rust, and unless I’m reading wrong you seem to suggest they are planning to deliberately introduce new features into this java implementation as a way to break up the network on purpose, which would make lemmy instances obsolete, and you sort of present it as a good thing and suggest its a deliberate political move on behalf of sublinks. But you didn’t even explain in your post why lemmy exactly needs to be replaced. So you are calling lemmy toxic, but already this new project is just seeming very underhanded and manipulative by its very existence. As a user who just wants a better reddit alternative, reading this post makes me feel like I stumbled upon a project motivated by a grudge (just based on the way it’s phrased) and you leave me more inclined to speak out against it than endorse it, since it seems like an attempt to divide the network, and I’ve seen what happens to divided networks where instances have different features and refuse to work together (just look at XMPP). So unless you can explain what is wrong with lemmy’s development or roadmap I think everybody reading this should be very skeptical of sublinks and cautious of the threat posed by projects like this in general.