robinnn [he/him]

“I… am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away but with blood” — John Brown

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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 22nd, 2024


  • Sure what?

    From the article “Not One Step Back — Vote Against Fascism 2024”:

    Our Co-Chair Joe Sims said that “defeating Biden’s support for the Israeli government’s genocide in Gaza is the path to defeating fascism in November.” The massive show of force in the key swing state of Michigan, where over 101,000 people voted ‘uncommitted’ rather than for Joe Biden in the Democratic primary, shows how high the stakes are for the fight for a ceasefire. Make no mistake, the fate of Palestine and U.S. democracy are now intertwined. Failure to reach a ceasefire could very well mean a defeat for Biden in Michigan and even in the entire general election. While Biden will have no one to blame but himself for his defeat, the results would be catastrophic.

    But while we can forget the Joe Sims quote (he may have been misheard!), what we cannot forget is Lenin’s On Militant Materialism, where he very explicitly states that the CPSU did not have hyper strict standards for who/what they published, and that therefore not everything published represented the official stance of the party! Maybe CPUSA is simply following in Lenin‘s footsteps!

    Everything is great until we look at this CPUSA-authored article, “the main report to the 32nd National Convention of the Communist Party USA, presented by Joe Sims, Co-Chair,” which “was unanimously adopted”:

    Let’s make it plain: Biden’s Israel policy must be defeated today, so that Trump and MAGA can be defeated tomorrow!

  • Every human who crushes the worker ant, who slaughters them by water or by magnifying glass, is nothing but a fascist counterrevolutionary pig serving the fin-ants capitalist exploiters. They speak of “workers unity” and “international proletarian solidarity”, but betray their words with every action.

    When we see an ant enter our “sacred homes”, what should we do? We must recognize this ant as a part of its colony, exploited as a slave by the monarchical regime. We must see that it is only the boundless thirst of the queen which the worker ant serves that brought them into your home, and that in stomping the ant out you are in actuality only weakening the workers’ struggle and therefore inviting the queen to elevate her tyranny, the further imperialist invasions of human homes in her cruel leb-ant-sraum.

    We should take the words of Chairm-ant Mao to heart and proclaim with him that “political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.” Yet the level of development of the ant productive forces is low, and they have neither spear nor gun. What must be done? It was Stalin who, with regards to the national question, noted that we must go beyond the mere legal equality of nations to their real material equality, that more developed nations must aid in the development of those less developed nations. The ants do not have the level of development needed to produce firearms? Then we must take it upon ourselves to arm these ants to overthrow their oppressors! We must create barracks for them, and mini firearms as well, so that they may return, sword in hand (so to speak), and put the monarchy to rest, building a new workers’ state from its ashes.

    Thank you for listening.