Thoughts intrusive, ass protrusive, trans inclusive

Things people have claimed I work for, on the payroll, or are some kind of propaganda agent.

Russian bot: 11

Chinese Communist Party: 12

Central Intelligence Agency: 11

Democrat Party/DNC: 9

Republican Party: 6

Bernie Bro: 9

  • 12 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • My mom wasn’t a alt-right wingnut, thankfully. But she kept me homeschooled despite me asking for regular schooling because she wanted the enabling of abuse. A child who could tell a teacher what she was saying to me was a threat to her. I didn’t go to any schooling beyond some 1st grade, and then she forced me into college when she grew tired of abusing me, until I ran out of support venues and she dragged me back to home.

    One homework thing my thought was to just read comic panels from Sunday newspapers archived online. That’s it. I was given old “general knowledge” books but never anything in depth of any study. I had to learn fields from parsing google and Wikipedia, even if she allowed the use of a computer.

    I’m sure there’s some legitimate use cases for homeschooling, especially for children who are immune compromised. But I’ve never heard of a happy story of homeschooling, lord knows I’m not one of them. I was held back socially and education wise from my peers, even with my skills.

    At the very very least, there should be a way for the state to enforce regular homeschooling standards. Track what grade the kids should be on, how they are doing, and then also economic aid for those who do.

    But my personal experience with homeschooling is that it’s never for the betterment of the child, it’s always to enable abuse and submission of the child to the parent. Because new ideas are scary to the parent, and new ideas allow new ways of thinking that the parent didn’t want the child to do.

    I’m biased as hell, but when you’re trapped with someone who beats you for a learning disability that would have been accommodated for in a public school that you as a 14 year old asked for, it leaves an impression on you.

  • Seeing as he got free press from liberal and conservative media for saying the most stupid, racist, sexist, evil things, and even liberal late night host Jimmy Fallon let him talk his entire shit platform for free, because the “commentary” was trying to match his hands.

    Meanwhile CNN intentionally left off Bernie from it’s polling and voter counts, like how Fox News didn’t talk about events that made Republicans look bad.

    Why not be a fucking weirdo who says the dumbest things possible? You get free press, there’s no such thing as bad publicity. When a child rapist can run for Senate from Alabama and have a good shot at winning, but saying “I don’t think we should be bombing people, we should open dialogues and send food.” is a moral outrage that means you hate America as a whole, why not be the worst possible person?

  • The fact that New York Times of all things is now considered evil/propaganda/russian because they reported the factual news of “People aren’t enjoying Biden” and “The Debate was between a orange liar and a old man, neither won” people are wanting to boycott it.

    Like this is when Republicans stopped watching (briefly until they forgot) Fox News because Chris Christie started thanking Obama for taking care of the repairs after a Hurricane. The moment their favorite news source doesn’t repeat the same talking points as they want to hear, it’s now evil.

    Liberals just was a Democrat version of OAN, not a free press. John Oliver and John Stewart both got a lot of random hate mail from liberals for saying “Biden isn’t a new FDR.”

  • I agree, but we all know the state and landlords won’t do that. It’s us vs the rich. The rich want the poor to be good brainwashed workers, and if you did anything the state said is now illegal (being homeless) then you deserve zero of your constitutional rights!

    Just dumb founding that Trump can just walk around freely and raise more money from his crimes, and yet people are arrested for shoplifting needed supplies, and squater’s rights are removed on empty yet perfectly fine private property.