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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: May 4th, 2024


  • The issue is that internet politics are often viewed from a USA-centric standpoint. When I say l’m neither left nor right (because it depends on the topic, as explained above) see memes like that come up. Although my economically right views for my country would be far left from an US-american standpoint anyway.

    (Self-quoting my comment you replied to)

    I’m from Austria, we have a functional social system covering healthcare, schools, universities and similar, but due to decades of regulations it is now extremely complicated and needlessly inefficient and therefore expensive (my father is a doctor so I have quite a bit of insight in the inefficient system).

    Although, I’m confused what you mean by making a business easier to create,

    We have so many regulations for everything, it’d be great if we just were able to create a business online within like a day. Currently we’re losing quite a few start up founders to other countries and our economy has entered recession.

    and what that has to do with pensions and putting in more than 1/3 of a business’ operating budget into pensions. Seems like an unrelated issue.

    In our very recent election one of the main points of our strongest left wing party was that they want to further increase the budget for pensions (“if someone has worked their whole life they should be rewarded for it properly” - 60+ is by far the biggest voting group…), and it’s pretty obvious that the current system doesn’t work (that’s why so much of our general budget has to be added every year, and more every year).

    Our system works in a way where the working people pay for the people who are currently in retirement and when we are in retirement the new workers will pay for us. This system was established after ww2 when there were few old people and many young ones, so… 5? iirc working people were paying for one in retirement. Currently two are paying for one in retirement, and the trend is heading towards one paying for one in retirement.

    We need a rework there to update it for today’s societal structure instead of promising people to add even more of the general budget to pensions (…populism to get 60+ people to vote for them).

  • Economically I’m leaning right - I want the state to provide free healthcare, schools, universities etc but founding a company has to be easier, we can’t afford to keep pouring 1/3 of our yearly budget into pensions on top of the budget for pensions etc.

    Socially I’m leaning left - I don’t care at all if someone is trans, homosexual, whatever, and want men and women to have equal rights.

    So I am neither left or right. And there also is a party that aligns with most of my beliefs (and is against some others but there never is a perfect party).

    The issue is that internet politics are often viewed from a USA-centric standpoint. When I say I’m neither left nor right (because it depends on the topic, as explained above) I see memes like that come up. Although my economically right views for my country would be far left from an US-american standpoint anyway.

  • It was originally a military airfield during the war, which explains why there are bombs in the ground.

    Eh, at my local train station in a bigger city in Austria they still find American and English bombs every year. Whenever something is dug up for repairs or to expand the train station or for whichever other reason, a bomb specialist is examining the area first, when they find a bomb they either safely remove it to detonate it somewhere else, or if its too unstable (roughly every five years if my memory serves me right) we get radio broadcasts warning us when it will be detonated so we can prepare (close all windows, sometimes those living near it have to leave their houses).

    That train station wasn’t involved with the military (apart from soldiers using trains for transport, but by that logic you can bomb anything because soldiers use houses for sleeping and hospitals for medical treatment etc.), but sadly both Germany and the UK tried to destroy as much as possible in the other country.

  • Im frühen 20. Jhdt haben sich einige reiche Juden zusammengeschlossen um im Nahen Osten im „gelobten Land“ Land zu erwerben. Dieses Land war jedoch nicht unbewohnt, man kann es sich ca. so vorstellen wie wenn bei uns im Mittelalter jemand von einem Burgherren Land erwirbt um darauf zu leben, ohne die dort lebenden Bauern nach ihrer Meinung zu fragen.

    1948 haben sie dort Israel gegründet, nachdem sie die dort ansässige Bevölkerung vertrieben hatten (legalerweise, denn ihnen gehörte dann ja das Land, aber trotzdem natürlich mit hohem Konfliktpotential). Am Tag der Staatsausrufung erklärten ihnen alle umliegenden Staaten den Krieg, wobei sich die Israeliten wacker schlugen und erstaunlicherweise nicht nur den Angriff abwehren, sondern sogar das Kriegsglück wenden konnten und letztendlich mit Landgewinnen Frieden schlossen. „Frieden“.

    Seitdem ist dort immer wieder Krieg mit mal längeren, mal kürzeren Friedensphasen. So war zB in letzter Zeit, bis Oktober 2023, eine ruhigere Phase, aber nachdem Israel mit (wenn ich’s recht im Kopf habe) Saudi-Arabien dem Abschluss von Verträgen für verstärkte Zusammenarbeit immer näherkam, wurde der Iran aktiv: Nach einem derartigen Abschluss hätten Israel und Saudi-Arabien disproportional viel Einfluss auf den Nahen Osten gehabt, weshalb der Iran die Hamas massiv unterstützte, damit diese in Israel einfällt und das Land soweit sestabilisiert, dass ebenjener Abschluss ins Wasser fällt.

    Und seitdem ist dort wieder eine heiße Phase.

    Zusammenfassend: Es geht um Macht. Wie bei jedem Krieg. Speziell um die Einschränkung israelischen Einflusses und die Prävention einer iranischen Einflussminderung.

  • Euouae


    Euouae (/juː.ˈuː.iː/; sometimes spelled Evovae)[1] is an abbreviation used as a musical mnemonic in Latin psalters and other liturgical books of the Roman Rite. It stands for the syllables of the Latin words saeculorum Amen, taken from the Gloria Patri, a Christian doxology that concludes with the phrase in saecula saeculorum. Amen. The mnemonic is used to notate the variable melodic endings (differentiae) of psalm tones in Gregorian chant.

    In some cases, the letters of Euouae may be further abbreviated to E—E.[2] A few books of English chant (notably Burgess and Palmer’s The Plainchant Gradual) make use of oioueae for the equivalent English phrase, “world without end. Amen”.

    According to Guinness World Records, Euouae is the longest word in the English language consisting only of vowels, and also the English word with the most consecutive vowels.[3] As a mnemonic originating from Latin, it is unclear that it should count as an English word; however, it is found in the unabridged Collins English Dictionary.[4]