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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 21st, 2024


  • I’d call 4 of 15 weapons displayed as some, not many. What dickfuckery is this?

    But sure, next election, vote for the guy who supported and continues to endorse these neo-nazi pukes. Yeah, vote for the career politician who has never had a real job, never done his own taxes, never experienced need or hunger. He’s your guy, he understands you. He knows you’re a stooge who’ll swallow his bullshit.

    Then, when he comes after YOU, I won’t say a word 'cause he’ll have already silenced me.

  • Well… yes! Think about it: you’re homeless (and freezing and exposed to all sorts of vermin, insects, pig harassment and social parasites) ergo you’re a criminal.


    You’re squatting (and not freezing and not exposed to all sorts of vermin, insects, pig harassment and social parasites) ergo you’re a criminal.

    Then add to that the innate laziness, fecklessness and sloth of the pigs.

    pigs can round up un-housed people on the street relatively easily with sweeps and panel vans to transport to a more profitable form of existence: jails run by ex-pig investors and over-billing the local, regional and national governments for the “service” they provide. Now factor in these people are squatting and the pigs actually have to work to do their filthy little jobs.

    Work? pigs? Say it ain’t so, Joe!! IMHO this is the best strategy to (1) house the un-housed and (2) show the pigs to be the worthless societal parasites that they are.